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The final person in the commission queue cancelled, meaning I am done with the commissions and I will now get back to work on the Antiquarian.



Where does one go to commission you?


I would post here and on my Twitter when I open up commissions. At the moment I want to focus on other things though.


Okay! Will keep an eye out for when you do! <3


hopefully when you do open up i'll have the cash to do one


Quick question, when the Black Reliquary game overhaul comes out do you have any plans to make hero skins/npc skins/enemy skins for that mod? Just asking since I am curious if you have seen it or are unaware.

xelswordart (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 12:49:01 I have seen it but I don't know that much about it. I am not opposed to the idea, but if I am gonna make a mod for a mod then I would like to have permission from the author first, ideally. I also probably wouldn't do something like that until I am done with most of the base game assets.
2022-08-27 12:49:01 I have seen it but I don't know that much about it. I am not opposed to the idea, but if I am gonna make a mod for a mod then I would like to have permission from the author first, ideally. I also probably wouldn't do something like that until I am done with most of the base game assets.
2022-08-27 12:49:01 I have seen it but I don't know that much about it. I am not opposed to the idea, but if I am gonna make a mod for a mod then I would like to have permission from the author first, ideally. I also probably wouldn't do something like that until I am done with most of the base game assets.
2022-08-27 12:49:01 I have seen it but I don't know that much about it. I am not opposed to the idea, but if I am gonna make a mod for a mod then I would like to have permission from the author first, ideally. I also probably wouldn't do something like that until I am done with most of the base game assets.
2022-08-27 12:49:01 I have seen it but I don't know that much about it. I am not opposed to the idea, but if I am gonna make a mod for a mod then I would like to have permission from the author first, ideally. I also probably wouldn't do something like that until I am done with most of the base game assets.
2022-03-29 17:17:36 I have seen it but I don't know that much about it. I am not opposed to the idea, but if I am gonna make a mod for a mod then I would like to have permission from the author first, ideally. I also probably wouldn't do something like that until I am done with most of the base game assets.

I have seen it but I don't know that much about it. I am not opposed to the idea, but if I am gonna make a mod for a mod then I would like to have permission from the author first, ideally. I also probably wouldn't do something like that until I am done with most of the base game assets.


Oh absolutely, I just wanted to know if you had seen it. I can throw you the current open beta link on steam if you wanna see what it has.