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My current concept for the Bone Defender enemy.



Cass Griffon

Should have a helmet on 'ere, otherwise great!

Cass Griffon

I'll retract my statement, actually, as I confused this with the design of the "Bone Captain" who wears a helmet. The Defender does wear a chain coif, but in comparison I'd say having visible hair probably looks better, and would instead recommend adding arrows to her back and shield.


Oh, right, the arrows, I was gonna add those to the shield at least but I legitimately forgot.

Evil Tim

I like her without a helmet.


Love it but question is will you start the ruin enemies first or do the Enemies that are universal meaning in all of the areas?


The THICCest dungeon. Cool hair style on this one.


I'm probably gonna do the enemies in more or less the order you would encounter them, so the shared enemies would be a priority, yeah.

One Sad Bear

I think this is my favourite of the bone babes so far :)