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My current concept for the Maggot enemy.



One Sad Bear

this was honestly I think the enemy I was most curious to see. I had no idea what you'd do for it but I think this is a pretty good idea


Well impressive xel you made a very gross monster into a sexy monster now I have no doubts that you will manage to do the flesh boss as a sexy monster, my idea for flesh was an orgy of pig girls in a big pile but that's me


Great design, fits really well! By the way, i commented last post about the possibility of having your new monsters alongside the original ones. I did some testing and was able to clone a base monster with a new skeleton/anims manually without problem. It was pretty tedious though. I am currently putting together a small tool to automate that process. I can let you know when its done and put on nexus if you want.


I would be potentially interested, sure. Still a long ways away until I properly start working on the enemy mods regardless, but put it up on Nexus, sure, someone else could probably benefit in the meantime.

James Watt

I’m really enjoying the idea that many of these monsters are mutated cultists or sacrifices. It’s so thematically appropriate.


You made the maggot look fuckable, now that's impressive.