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I have opened up five commission slots! This time around these commissions will be specifically for edits of my mods. See the image for the relevant information.

See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yYDX8GTio8CxSY7V5gMAqriZulcYbTUr7_MY_CmZwv8/edit?usp=sharing for the current status of the slots.

Update: All five commission slots are now taken.



One Sad Bear

Will these mod changes be free for everyone or just the person who requests them?


sadly I only got porn ideas, but I do wish you the best on this and all your work <3

One Sad Bear

Its a shame I dont have the spare money to request the antiquarian be a goblin

One Sad Bear

Cant wait to see the changes though


Saw my name lol

Verixa Okblek (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-01 22:03:03 How would mostly minor changes work in regards to these commissions? IE uncovered booty for nude versions of Hellion or plague doctor? (since their nudes still get covered up) or a bust increase for one of the characters? & in terms of whats too explicit would more bondage themes be against the rules? (oh edit.... what about enemy designs?)
2021-11-10 20:15:02 How would mostly minor changes work in regards to these commissions? IE uncovered booty for nude versions of Hellion or plague doctor? (since their nudes still get covered up) or a bust increase for one of the characters? & in terms of whats too explicit would more bondage themes be against the rules? (oh edit.... what about enemy designs?)

How would mostly minor changes work in regards to these commissions? IE uncovered booty for nude versions of Hellion or plague doctor? (since their nudes still get covered up) or a bust increase for one of the characters? & in terms of whats too explicit would more bondage themes be against the rules? (oh edit.... what about enemy designs?)


Uncovered booty is fine (would probably just remove the skirt entirely in that case). So is bust increases, provided the increase is not extreme. I'm gonna say no on bondage, both because it is a bit too explicit and not something I personally care much for, at least for class mods. I would possibly be okay with it for NPC mods, depending on what exactly it is. This is for edits of my existing mods, so enemies are a no-go for now.

Verixa Okblek

Could see the skirt/labcoat being redrawn off to the side rather than fully removed for the booty uncover one (tho yeah probably easier to just remove) Ah so Abomination is a special case in the bondage theme (probably because the base game character has it ) Thanks for explaining more of the rules (Oh PS would you ever consider doing some of these models for other popular mods that add completely new classes?)


Generally speaking I am not a huge fan of bondage / bdsm stuff, but it has it's place sometimes, that being said I feel like the Abomination was pretty tame in that regard. Making replacers for class mods I something I have thought about, maybe one day, I would like to have permission from the original author first in that case though.