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I decided to redesign the Antiquarian concept based on some comments I saw criticizing it. I am curious what peoples thoughts are on it in relation to the previous design.



Cass Griffon

Huh, guess I was one of the few who actually preferred the original scaredy look for the girl, but it'll look good either way, I'm sure! Still, I have to ask whether there will be a poll/vote between the two variants when she gets her turn or not?


I see, I figured I overdid it a bit for the previous design. For now I will leave this here to see more perspectives on it. If anyone has their own thoughts on this feel free to discuss it here.

One Sad Bear

Im quite a fan of this over the original myself plus if youd still like to have her look scared her combat sprite could have some hint of it but especially her "nervous stab" ability. either way great work


I like the new design better. The pose still shows that the antiquarian is not a warrior, and the determination to get those antiques.

Wise Lenny

I think both looks fine overall xel , some people just prefer some stuff i guess , though , both looks good to me , perhaps make a poll when she wins next time , perhaps a 1 week poll to see which design gets the most votes


Great design, really love this one and cant wait for her release!

Cass Griffon

For constructive critique, I'd say the things I like about both the previous as well as the current design: Previous - her ever slightly hunched stature gave way for a smaller frame of her body and made her more prominent features more, well, "prominent". The plumpness of her upper thighs and breasts, that being. Her worried/timid expression, like you suggested yourself, is well suited to her class being considered more passive and very non-combat focused. Current - showing her holding her kukri in the one hand along with her censer is fair visual improvement (though it remains to be seen if this is to be her idle or combat stance).


I really like this new concept it's so cute and still lewd!~

Keanan Clare

I can't remember what the previous concept was but I do like this one!


This one looks really better. Good job

Evil Tim

Honestly the only real problem I've had with both designs is kind of a nitpick. It's the bow in her hair. I feel like it stands out too much and is kinda... gaudy, I guess is the word to use. Again, just a very minor personal nitpick.


love it a lot!


This is much better, makes her signature features stand out more, and makes her more devious, and yes the bow on her head is too distracting and isn't necessary, overall much better


although i'm not fond with the glasses. but that's a personal thing. overall the design really looks very well and i like it.