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My current concept for the Courtesan enemy, and somewhat by extension the other Crimson Court enemies. I went for a pretty standard vampire look for the human form, but I wanted to maintain the insect elements for the transformed look, just less grotesque.




Aw yis!


Absolutely love it


Love what you did with her eyes.


Yes! I love enemy skins. And yours are so lovely

Torsten Streidt

With this new interpretation of this enemy you did an fantastic job, i love this so much and it looks so much better then the original ones.

Cass Griffon

Hells bells yes! This is fantastic.


Oh boi, i can't wait for these bad girls at least i'll hate them less when they give me the crimson curse!~


oh yea hey xelsword when you fight the courtess and she puts that Egg attack thing on your characters the egg thing are on the character's feets are you able to change that or you can't do much about that?


I'm certainly able to change it, as far as I'm aware. As for what exactly I'm planning on doing with that, not sure to be honest.

Amusement Smith

in all honesty I find insect like mandible fangs both cute and sexy