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Based on some comments I decided to experiment a bit with the hair styles on some of the classes, I curious about what you guys think about them. I really like the new Shieldbreaker hair, pretty much made up my mind already on that one, but the other ones I am less sure about.




I like the alternate hairs a lot. Would love to have those in there too.


It's unfortunate though cause i do like the first jester style more but if its one or the other for all of them id go alternate. Thank you for your amazing work.


To clarify, I meant one or the other on a class by class basis, not for all of them. As in I could go for the new hairstyle on one of these classes and for the old hairstyle on one of the other ones. I'm just somewhat curious what the general opinion of these are. If it ends up being heavily split I might make a poll or something.


I prefer the old jester hairstyle but for the three other classes, the new hairstyles look much better imo, especially for the shieldbreaker.

Cass Griffon

The new MaA and Musketeer hairstyles look MUCH better (MaA's new style makes her look sexier, but also makes her appear larger/stronger/fiercer somehow) , but I sincerely urge you to keep the old hair for Jester, it looks much more cute and in-tune with the rest of her design in my disgustingly humble opinion.


I admit I prefer the old art for Jester, Man at Arms and Musketeer, while I like the new Shieldbreaker. TBH, I feel like the old arts are more practical and easier to animate. I think it could also help to do things faster


honestly, the straight hair on jester looks better but the curly hair fits the design. thats a tough call. shield breaker looks dope though!

Salty Snacks

I prefer the Straight Hair for jester. The Curly one is still nice though.


Shieldbreaker's long braid definitely fits her class design, like how it flows down and around her like a long and wild snake, and the Man-at-Arm's new mane looks bleeding awesome! As for the Jester, I agree on the straight hair. To me, it better fits her element of looking more haphazard, almost manic. And super nice work on the new hair for the Musketeer!


I personally prefer the original style for Jester, it somehow fits her better but that's just my opinion of course. As for rest of them the new hair styles look awesome.


I think it would depend on how close to the class lore you wanna be which may be a silly thought given the content involved. For instance, the Man-at-Arms is a soldier. You could make the argument that buzzing it even shorter that the original would make a lot of sense. Musketeers are typically soldiers as well but I think the in game character is just a sport shooter but they tend to have their hair in a bun to keep it out of their eyes. Now I am here for the lewd of course but figured I'd chip my 2 cents in. Shieldbreaker looks great BTW.


i like both versions of the shieldbreaker, would be awesome if we could get both^^, the others are the same, the only one is the man at arms, there i like the new one better, it underlines her "wild" personality better^^


s.b new and m.a new hit hard, i dig em , the other ones are good for either. just my garbo opinion


All or good but I prefer all the old hair styles. DO whatever makes you happy though, they're your mods


I prefer the old m.a and old jester and the new one for the other two


Old jester old musketeer new m.a.a. and new shieldbreaker

Rosy Muscovy

Gotta be honest, I like all of the old hair designs more, though I wouldn't complain if it were all the new ones.


New Arms Looks like a goeilla

Water Melon

imo. Jester's old look is nicer, Man at arms both are nice though maybe a mixture of the two? Musketeer both are nice i cant decide, and Shieldbreaker's new one is very nice. imo ofc


While I prefer the Jester's old hair, I wouldn't mind it too much if you changed it. I do like the other new hairstyles more than the older versions.


100% on board with this, especially the man at arms.


Personally prefer the old hair on Jester, Musketeer, and Man-at-Arms, definitely like Shieldbreaker's new hair though.

Genn Genns

I think i like the old jester a little better. the rest however is great.