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Fifth progress report for the Occultist mod. The animations are now done, next step will be to make the alternate versions, that is the clothed version, the hidden eyes version, and all the color variants. The mod should be done within a week. 




How about Warlock for the alternate class name? Otherwise glorious work!

xelswordart (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-08 18:54:01 Sure, maybe. Not a bad suggestion. Don't usually decide that until i get to the point that I actually make the standalone class.
2021-09-08 18:54:01 Sure, maybe. Not a bad suggestion. Don't usually decide that until i get to the point that I actually make the standalone class.
2021-09-08 18:54:01 Sure, maybe. Not a bad suggestion. Don't usually decide that until i get to the point that I actually make the standalone class.
2021-09-08 18:54:01 Sure, maybe. Not a bad suggestion. Don't usually decide that until i get to the point that I actually make the standalone class.
2021-09-08 18:54:01 Sure, maybe. Not a bad suggestion. Don't usually decide that until i get to the point that I actually make the standalone class.
2020-05-29 16:20:27 Sure, maybe. Not a bad suggestion. Don't usually decide that until i get to the point that I actually make the standalone class.

Sure, maybe. Not a bad suggestion. Don't usually decide that until i get to the point that I actually make the standalone class.


Last night I went to fight the shrieker and first turn it crit on my occultist putting him on deaths door with bleed and next turn he bled out 😭 Guess I’ll have to get another one before your mod drops, keep up the good work!

Fluffershy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-08 18:54:01 I find it very cool that she's floating in mid air thanks to her arcane powers! Love your animated version - her movements are just as mesmerising as your other girls <3
2020-05-30 05:28:34 I find it very cool that she's floating in mid air thanks to her arcane powers! Love your animated version - her movements are just as mesmerising as your other girls <3

I find it very cool that she's floating in mid air thanks to her arcane powers! Love your animated version - her movements are just as mesmerising as your other girls <3