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Just posted my mods to the steam workshop in case someone prefers using that. Currently only the replacer version is available there.



Great choice, I love using Steam workshop for my mods since they update automatically.


Awesome, be the best on there in my opinion


Hope you don't get into too much trouble putting them on the workshop! I commented and rated up your stuff!


Well, two of them got taken down. Currently trying to figure out why and if it is something I can correct.


I'm not sure either from just looking at it. There are other notable mods that are more or less explicit and also replace game files so not sure. Hopefully it gets resolved soon! At the very least I am glad to have found you on patreon and look forward to future content!


They are back up now. I contacted support and apparently it was just a mistake.


I find it incredibly silly that the people commenting on Steam Workshop are complaining about things like not working with other skin mods or having a standalone version when it says so directly in the description...