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Houndmaster and her Hound as Crimson Court style vampires!

To be very clear, this is not me making an actual mod, just making a design for a theoretical one.

I would also like to address some of the feedback I received in regards to the redesign for the Houndmaster and her hound.

The primary point of contention seems to be the pose of the hound, many of you prefer her being on all fours. While I understand that, it's just not quite the vibe I want her to have, I want her to be more like a bestial human as opposed to an actual animal. I will still probably have her on all fours, or something close to it, for the combat sprite and many of her attack animations, just not all of the time.

On a lesser note, the breast size for the Houndmaster herself also caused some contention, as much as I can understand the appreciation for some big booba, I'm pretty set that I prefer the smaller size for her, both for the sake of contrast between her and the Hound, and also for the sake of variety from my other designs.

I might still adjust aspects of their designs of course, like the outfit for the Houndmaster potentially, all of my designs should be considered works in progress until I make the actual mod. And, of course, the old mod will still be available if you prefer that anyway.



James Watt

Cool design, also appreciate that you took everyone’s feedback to heart, without compromising your own vision.


YOOO!! this a gem! great job!