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(Hope I did not mess anything in this build)

  • Instruct Pix2Pix -> Is a new type of model, you can download it via the GUI

Here some examples:

  • Dreambooth:

There is two optimizers. AdamW is the defaul on older version. Lion is a optimizer released 10 hours ago. I liked it, so is on the GUI. Did a quick test and seen good.

New schedulers: CossineNealingWarmRestart. Worked nice with Lion.

  • Lora:

You can download Lora models and add to models_lora folder.

After that you can select and it's weight in the GUI.

Usually LORA work better with the main model it was trained. So if you download a lora, check what model it use.

LORA usually work better with a weight of 0.6~

  • SeamLess:

Some extra options to make seamless textures, nothing fancy.

  • Improvements to the layout, bug fixes and small quality of life improvements.


i'm sure forgetting more stuff, but will edit this post if I remember it later, hehe

Edit1: Now models are downloaded into the "models" folder, you may want to delete the files inside the torch cache (.cache\huggingface\diffusers) that probably have the download models from the other version.



pix2pix is good stuff - Dont be afraid to push CFG scale and instruct text scale up and down to extremes. Same with any model - experiment.


With Instruct Pix2Pix does the "use output as input" option have any effect? I tried that to try to make the video more consistent but it didn't seem to have any effect. Maybe the newer version with the upscaling option for Instruct pix2pix will have some effect with that option.


If we use the image model such as "load/download instructpix2pix" or a similar one can we stop if from re-downloading one that it has already downloaded previously (a long as it still exists on disc)? If it keeps redownloading when it had previously downloaded it that's just going to take a lot of bandwidth and time. If it removes some models after a while scan that be stopped too? Maybe it could allow you to select where they will be saved to too (to prevent them getting removed). Also if it re-downloads them because there's been an update to ones available online can the UI ask us first before downloading any update as we might be fine with whatever version we currently have instead of it taking a long time to download again?