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Whew! It's over! Of course, we will be heading into book 3 soon, so don't get too comfy. I'm sure nothing of note will happen between books 2 and 3 >:3c 

Please let me know what you think! it always means a lot :) 


On Verdant Wings

Chapter One A Terrible Idea When later ranking the worst ideas he'd ever had, jumping backwards off the roof would barely make the top five, maybe three. At the time, though, it felt like the smartest thing he'd ever done. Flipping off the two large and very angry men as they skidded to a halt a...


Day Dreamer

Well I think this was another long, fun, creative and well-written tale, even if there's yet more yet to be told. Many characters, a bit complex, but you make it easy to resume and follow as chapters are posted.


Thanks! that means a lot :) comments like this always help a great deal!