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I wrote an article for a local publication, and you all get early access to it! Translated, because I don't think most of my readers speak dutch lol


The Trans Body

"Transgender." That conjures up some imagery, I think. For some it's probably the "ha ha man in a dress" jokes that have been a staple of television and cinema in the past hundred years. For others it's dramatic movies lit with natural light about people who get themselves admitted into the hos...


Yet Another Martin

I agree with Lexi, it's a great article. Can you post a link to the Dutch version once it gets published? I don't really speak Dutch, but I can read it reasonably well, and, well, I'm just curious.


I'm interested in the original link too, for the same reason ^^;

Day Dreamer

That was fun and interesting too, even though it's non-fiction, because you are a great writer. Now, I think we all mostly unconsciously feel a need to align with our cultures, tribes, or traditions, even when they are unhealthy. And if everyone could just get past denial about their own quirks and fetishes, perhaps they would be more empathic and supportive of other people have having different ones. That has worked for me at least. :-)