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First off: yeah this is happening lol. Scribblebait, but also a stylistic experiment for me. Not my usual chapter length, but something I can quickly whip out in between real projects :D

Okay, as for the update:

I'm not going to promise what I get *done* on which day, because sometimes I need to go back to revise things, but this is the schedule in which I'll be working on things in the near future

DN -> Ebook prep -> DQ2 -> TVM -> WNH Screenplay -> The Invitation

Death Note Thing: This will only take a little bit of time each time, but I need to put it in there or I'll forget lol. 

Ebook Prep and Digital Sales. Y'all won't see much about that until soon, but I need to divest attention to that on my schedule

DQ2: two more chapters baby! Probably 2 every three months, unless others start commissioning more. 

Through Verdant Mirrors 2: That's going to happen now again too!

We're Not Here Screenplay: I wanna get that done soonishly too. 

The Invitation Pt3: Horny side projects deserve love too, although I'll have to skip this one sometimes. it requires a specific kind of mood. 

So yeah!


My Death Note, My Rules

Rule I Don't Be Stupid There's a fundamental misunderstanding when it comes to a specific kind of story. Many people, when they see a story where a protagonist wields and loses unimaginable power, the power over life and death, over reality itself, they think "I could have done better." It's no...


Cassidy Marble

I’m interested in seeing where this goes. :3

Day Dreamer

Whoa, that's a dark story... But superbly, perfectly, written, almost like reading quality poetry.