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I know writing has been a little light lately! A lot is happening and a lot needs to be put in order, which means I have much less time and brain space to actually sit down and write. But! To give you an idea of what's happening and what I'm doing and stuff (bc it's important to me that y'all are being kept in the loop so you can decide with full information if you want to stay subscribed)

  • I submitted Not So Different to a publisher that might be interested. We'll see if anything comes of that!
  • We're Not Here has been turned into a proper ebook and others will soon follow. These will be free for patrons, but once they're up I'll also make it a link for people who want to buy it or recommend their friends and family to buy it! 
  • The screenplay is still progressing at a steady pace! I'm almost a third through the novel, but I'm hitting some snags that may require changing some plot elements (I'm thinking of including another transfem character that'll teach our MC's some stuff) 
  • I wanna finish Any Other Name, so ignore what I said last message, I'll still be working on that, bc it matters to me and we're actually like only 10 chapters from the end lol
  • I had an interview where I essentially put "my story" that is to say, who I am, what I stand for, my ideals, etc... up for auction. So if a tv program or a company is interested in telling that story, they'll have my contact info, which is... wild. 

So yeah! Lots of irons in the fire. I'm excited to see where things go from here. Oh and I'll be uploading the rest of VM to scribblehub soon.

Thank you all so much for being here :)


Cassidy Marble

If you get a movie about your life made I’m gonna freak out! That’s so cool!


Thanks for the update!!! So excited for everything you're doing!!! Sending tons of love 💕💕💕