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For those who don't know, I've been running a Monster of the Week campaign for two years. So, in my spare time, I've been working on a Tabletop Roleplaying Game, tentatively called Undercity Hunters. In a bit, I'll be posting some character sheets too. 

Once all the text is done, I'll be uploading a pdf as well, and one day there will be art for it. 

Who knows! Maybe I'll invite higher-tier patrons to do playtesting! That could be fun? :3



Once Upon A Time... What You're Signing Up For When playing, most of you, the Players will create your characters, living, breathing people who have existed in this world before the game started (usually) and might even continue existing after the last session ends. One remaining person will be...



Ooo, I rlly like the vibes of this. Luck/misfortune especially is a really fun looking system. Being mechanically rewarded for throwing a roll that your character wants to succeed but the narrative doesnt is a neat way to reward roleplay choices.