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Only  4 more chapters after this one!! Aa! I'm sure everything will be fine forever and there will be no ramifications >:3 


Through Verdant Mirrors

Chapter One Ashes of War "Cinero?" "Hmm?" "I asked if you were with us." "Oh," Cinero said. "Yeah, sorry." He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. It was getting longer again. "I'll be right there," he added, and looked back at Caledon Keep. Once a gorgeous building, it overlooked the valle...


Day Dreamer

Good Stuff. Thanks. --Although I'm a little confused about what's the difference between locking away the Cavean in slumber versus in Aesling's glade, and how did Vera know Aesling could do that without being stuck herself?


For your first question: Previously, Clarus, The Cavean and Aesling were essentially comatose for ten years. This is more dangerous, because it leaves the Cavean awake and sentient that entire time, which is obviously riskier. As for the other: A bit of intuition, a bit of hope, and a lot of making things up as she went along.