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okay now that I've taken a couple of days of rest, it's time for another update (whee!)! 

So, Any Witch Way is done, and I'm quite liking this "traditional monster/villain but Good Actually" thing I've got going on. Wanna do more with that. 

What first?

- Well, there's a commission. 5 chapters (give or take) that I wanna do first. 

- That last elusive chapter of Among Brighter Stars

- 2 more Through Verdant Mirrors chapters. 

and finally...

Wait that's it? I mean yeah I have a lot of stuff on the backburner, but writing fluffy stuff has been really nice, it's increased my patreon size, and while *I* personally love high-concept fantasy (like DQ2) and thrillers (Flipping Out), it's not exactly bringing in the readers in droves. 

What's next?

I think going forward, a couple of things:

- I'm gonna make a royalroad account. I know, I know, but I gotta expand my reach and RR is a BIG platform. Might find some new readers there (and hatch some lil baby eggs in the process, who knows?). For that, I'll need your help to give it some visibility, so if and when i get around to that, I'll post to the #public-release-announcements tab. Please give new chapters a click and a like and ideally a comment because I'm apparently just the text version of a youtube person now. Please lycan subscribe. 

- More monster girl stories! I have ideas, don't you worry. 

- Starting next month, I'll be working with a government program to make my independent authorship more... official. They'll be keeping an eye on my finances but also give me some funds to reach out. It's *possible* things might change. We'll see. I don't know how into digital market analytics they'll be, considering government agencies still tend to communicate through fax. I wish I was kidding. I'll of course keep all of you informed!

- New Poll!  (ideally, don't share outside the Patreon) 


December 2021 Poll



Please no, don't do Tom Clancy