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It's been a while since we did one of these, hasn't it? Anyway. Demon Queen.

So... it's not doing great on scribblehub. Let's have a look at the numbers

That's... about a hundred readers. And scribblehub seems to be skewing harder and harder towards light-novel style stories, and I feel like DQ2 doesn't have a place there. I know (some of) my Patrons care, but it feels like I'm wasting my time with this. 

At the moment, I'm focusing on Any Other Name, as well as finishing my monthly Through Verdant Mirrors chapters, but once I'm done with them, I'm not sure what I should focus on. Demon Queen 2 is a passion project, but it is NOT getting eyes on it, and I do need new readers to make up for the steady trickle of Patrons who leave.

While I'm very much my own woman, your opinions do mean a lot to me, so I'd love to get your thoughts :) 



I can say that when I get people to read your work, Demon Queen is what attracts them the most - but another part is probably that when you release stuff on Patreon, a lot of those Patreons will cease to engage with the scribblehub side of things, as they've already read it on here


Make your money however it works. You are already so prolific I don’t think slowing down a less popular work to focus on a broader appeal as long as you enjoy it as well is in any way selling out.