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Okay, so I've recovered from the holidays (a bit. More than 5 consecutive hours of sleep is still out of reach) and I'm gonna get back into writing more regularly.

On the docket for this month (so far):

  • 5-6000 words of Any Other Name
  • 3 Chapters of Morgan Yu Too
  • An unspecified number of chapters (at least one, maybe two) of Campus Creatures
  • 3 Chapters of Among Brighter Stars
  • 1 more chapter of Horns In The Library

ABS, Horns and MY2 might get more as commissions come in, so this is an "including but not limited to" list.

Additionally, because of way it can be harder to write some things than others, I can't guarantee the order these will be published in.

Finally, I am still in recovery (didn't eat for 36 hours after NYE) so especially this first week it's going to be slow going. Please bear with me as I get this rickety engine going again 😅 I promise you'll get your money's worth.

Also, for those of you who watch it: enjoy GDQ!


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