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this isn't something that is set in stone at all, but I've been thinking of what I'll do by April if I still don't make enough through Patreon to live off of.

So, how would people feel if the lowest price was changed from $1 to $2? Especially if I add additional rewards for higher tiers, and maybe a tier between 2 and 5? (Maybe with pictures of my cat)

If you're already paying 2 or more you can obviously disregard this :)



I'd probably be okay with paying more, but it would depend on who I'd stop subscribing to instead. I think that you write a ton of very enjoyable fiction per month so it's more than fair to have the bottom tier be $2.


I am honestly SHOCKED that there seem to be 29 people who are willing to pay more but without seeing a kitty. Who doesn't want to see a kitty? T_T