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So, I've been doing some thinking about like mental health and stuff. I promised I'd do weekly streams once I hit the $200 milestone but honestly, that just doesn't seem feasible. I'm usually too tired or low on energy to even consider streaming. But, someone suggested weekly updates! So, it's the first of November, and here we go:

  • My American readers will be busy with the election. Send them extra love this week.
  • I'm getting close to that $500 milestone! That's incredible! Fun fact, once I hit that, I'm probably going to be able to do this indefinitely. Moving on to point five, the explanation.
  • When I started in February, I basically got help from the gvmt. If I didn't make enough money for food and rent, they would pay the difference. Nothing extravagant beyond that, but enough to stay alive. So even if I got more from Patreon month to month, I didn't actually have more money. That ends december 31st. At the end of that month, if I can't survive on my writing income, I'll have to put it on hold indefinitely while I find a "real" job. But it's looking increasingly like I won't have to! This is partially because
  • Two months ago I started supplementing Patreon with sales. Other than the tiny bit of Amazon income (which I'm not bothering with for now) I've also started doing commissions! And with that money, I'm getting very close to living off my writing alone. I'm not quite there yet, but because of all of you, it's becoming a possibilities.
  • Speaking of commissions, for those of you who missed that announcement: I'll be working on commissions a lot (rates below), where the idea is serial content. Stories told in short arcs, paid for by all of you. I'll be working on things like Eris in the time in between, but whenever people want to see more of the serial content, they can buy additional chapters, where I'll focus on those. For obvious reasons, I won't be able to focus on a large number of ongoing works, although shorts (2-10k words) shouldn't be a problem.
  • Pricing is simple:

    $20/1000 words

    $10/1000 words for Maxi Patrons and above.
  • I'm currently working on 3 projects: Eris, Among Brighter Stars and a third one (that needs a better name than the one I have atm). 2&3 will be commissions. 2 chapters of ABS are finished and 2 more have been commissioned.
  • Some of you have noticed there's now also a Mega tier. This tier, on top of being extra awesome, gets to commission 4.5k words for free every 3 months!
  • Thanks to all of you, I'll be able to afford a small laptop! Once the funds go through, I'll go buy it and show all of you what I got, so I can prove that your money went to exactly what I was going to say it did.
  • Seasonal depression is probably going to hit me, and a lot of you. Try to stay hydrated. This will be a long winter, even if the election goes well. Be kind to yourselves and I'll do the same.
  • In that same vein: my mental health is as reliable as scribblehub's trending system, so with that in mind, if i have to take a few days off from writing, please don't be too upset with me. I'll be doing my best to keep up a regular writing schedule but sometimes, getting out of bed can feel like an unattainable goal.
  • In brighter news, I'm having a consultation with my surgeon next week! Scary!
  • I'm also seeing my new social worker, who has no idea what arrangement I have with the gvmt and who I have to convince that this is a valid form of employment. Wish me luck!



Take care of yourself and all the time you need to recover

audrey jo

Ah, best of luck with the consult and the new social worker! We all know the mental health struggle, hang in there and take care of yourself <3


Best of luck to you from one of your "American" readers. Yes, we all need your prayers. It is really starting to feel like the end of the world, or as the media calls it, "the new normal."


Congrats on approaching your surgery by another step! ♥