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Sorry about that. Realized that the previous post was Patrons only (because of embedded chapters) but I also wanted to have this on my wall for people who come to check me out. 

Anyway: Novella! Cheap! Tell your friends! It keeps me in business, and it paves the way for the sequel I'm workshopping >:3 

Please feel free to share this on twitter, facebook, tumblr, myspace, habbo, clubpenguin, vine and your college or employer's Whatsapp group. It means a lot and helps even more! 


Horns In The Library, an Ebook by Ela Maxima

A perfect, sleepy town is the perfect, sleepy home for all of its happy, sleepy inhabitants. all but one, who feels like something is off, a splinter in their mind. A chance encounter with a librarian with a Hell of a secret makes life a whole lot stranger, a whole lot more interesting, and a whole lot more intense.


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