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※If you change the pitch in the head audio pitch change, it sounds a little different.

I did a sound cutout.

The cutout sounds were stored in time order from E01 to L5 folder and made into a library. If used as is, it is difficult to see that the level has been clearly increased due to the quantity. I think you will get a better one if you unzip, pick up and sort into folders of your choice.
The license is CC BY SA, so there should be no problem with disassembling and using it, with a credit notation + my credit statement. (I'm not complaining, but the original sound source for the cutout was picked up off the internet, so... I don't think there's a problem, but just in case)

Here is some brief information for those who wish to create their own.

Example, regarding sound source cutout (I'm sure there are many other ways)

Acquiring sound sources

This is the first problem. Obtain a sound source that has no licensing issues.
In my case, I pick up the sound files from the following page. Please check the license terms yourself. I am aware that I am using it within the range where there is no problem.

                             For Those Aroused By Sound

If you get it from the page, first find a piece that has a work you like.
On the audio playback screen (web), display the source screen and find the part with the following display.
m4a: "https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.m4a"
Open this URL in your browser.
Click the right mouse button on the playback area in the center.
You can download it with "Save Audio".
I think that the format of the sound source obtained on this page is mostly m4a format.(In the example, it is m4a as it is)

Cutting out sound sources

Convert to mp3 format first.
I used a free software called "fre:ac".
Next, adjust the level of the sound source. Adjust the sound not to be too small or too large. It is not mandatory to do this.
I used a free software called "MP3Gain".
I'm not sure how many dB to match, but I chose 100dB this time.
Next is the sound cut out .
I used a free software called "mp3Directcut".
After cutting out, store it in a folder.
After that, packaging with Vam is up to you.

PS:Many people expect scenes, so we will focus on scene creation.


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