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can you please stop importing stuff to kemono as soon as I post? I'm trying to do honest work here and its just so demoralizing. At least wait till I'm done for the month




Not to say it's any good, but kemono import works by session hijacking and then pulling at a fixed interva and then putting it in a queue that's got thousands of imports sessions ahead, so it's unlikely that it's someone intentionally going out of their way to import them asap.


several months ago, patreon changed how their logins and API access work so that your session is only good for a couple hours and you have to clear your cookies and re-login just to get a new set of patreon cookies that you can use to scrape the API. (to be more specific, they added a datadome integration, which does a bunch of stuff that makes scrapers hard to use, not the least of which is invalidating your session on the backend if mouse activity in the browser isn't detected periodically.) I don't use kemono but I do use hydrus to store my own media locally, so I have to do this dance to get a valid session so I can update all my subscriptions every time I want to catch up on patreon content. (which, to be clear, I am paying for and not sharing.) so this means that either the kemono importer has a magic workaround, or people are going out of their way to get a new fresh session to give to kemono constantly. and that magic workaround, if it exists, would have to be something that either the entire hydrus community, with its dozens of programmers who either write third party tools or just are using it and lurk in the discord server, has somehow overlooked while kemono hasn't, OR it's something like a swarm of VMs using selenium to drive actual web browsers and logging in as the users who are letting kemono use their accounts (and boy, that's gotta be annoying getting a 2FA notification every couple of hours.) there's a very low likelihood that kemono just knows a trick we haven't been able to figure out for months, so it's more than likely the painful and expensive way of having to give kemono your credentials constantly. tl;dr erick is probably right, someone's ripping to kemono in reaction to new posts.


Sorry that this happening to you man, you don’t deserve it.


Patreon really needs a better anti-scraping protection, it's not like other websites haven't implemented it. If I were them, I'd just make all the downloaded images by scrapers dick pics instead lol


I agree with you and I know what you're trying to say. But this kind of post can also be kind of counter-productive. You're going to get people going out to look to see what Kemono is and you might lose patrons


I am sorry to hear you have to deal with this. For me, I am always compelled to go subscribe to someone even if I can get the art for free just to say thanks for it. I wish more people had this outlook on art, cuz it really makes it more special imo. Artist makes Ethel content, I offer my gratitude for it! An absolute win/win in my book! It's really too bad others just want to be handed an artist's hard work for free... still, you do beautiful stuff! Every time I hear about a new Ethel, or really anything, on the horizon from you I am very excited to see it!