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it was super close for Melony! I was kinda nervous cuz I had already started drawing Ethel 😂 

Look guys, im gonna need a lil bit more time, I was only planning on drawing extra faces but you know me, I had to give myself more work 💀

I redrew Hex Maniac's body so it was more chunky, im sure alot of you will appreciate it 😩👌 but its basically double the work so wait a lil more! 

As a mini poll, If this post gets 130 likes I'll do the Mythra too, just to know if you guys even want it lol




No pp 😍


Ethellllllllll ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Radiant Star

I'm so glad you drew Ethel. Great to see her getting more love by artists!


Looking good bro


130 likes is pretty high, I hope we’ll get there


Youre right, If it gets at least close to 100 I'll still do it, I said 130 since there's 200 of you guys here :)


In a perfect world, Mythra would get all 200 hearts. 😭👌