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I legitimately forgot that February is shorter, coupled with the fact that my surface pen broke and had to wait for the new one to arrive made me fall behind๐Ÿ’€ I couldnt finish Pyra and Rhea, but I included a Mythra version to hold you guys over. I will be finishing all the alts for these two pics next month, business as usual guys, again apologies for being so late, but there's a total of 18 images in the rewards, so its not all bad! Pyra full nelson will have a total of six variants including mythra and an "after" version that you guys saw in the wip before, and I made Rhea full body and will include some extra stuff (its all those alt's fault honestly lol)

Ive also been studying better genitalia, fluids and more anatomy so that also added up but its gonna be worth it in the end๐Ÿ˜ค

Getting folders ready, will be sending rewards in a few.

There's plenty to look forward next month, I appreciate those who decided to bear with me  :D

I legit would've finished in time if I had those 3 missing days lol



CEO of Depression

it's all gonna be great man. Take your time




I know your work is top quality so I don't mind waiting a bit


that means March would be even better! Also Rhear is always welcomed


It's fine it's my birthday next week uwu


Rhea looks amazing