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Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well!

I have created a private DayZ server (located in New York) for PS4 players! It is a PvE (no PVP), RP themed server called "Arkham Sanitarium Experiment" where players are encouraged to pretend they are taking part in an experiment - sent through a rift to the world of DayZ to see how long they can survive (also fictitiously remotely monitored by the Professor and Corvus).

If you are at least a current $5 Patron, or you have been a $1 or $3 patron for at least 3 months, then you can gain access to this server!

If you are not yet a patron and wish to gain access, it is available for the $5 monthly tier.

All you have to do is send me a PRIVATE message HERE ON PATREON (do not email me!). Include your PS4 username and I will add it to the server's whitelist. Note: I cannot add additional family members or friends to the server unless they are also patrons.

I understand that some of you may not have a PS4, or may live outside of the United States. Unfortunately I cannot create servers for every platform in every location. I hope you understand. As much as I would love to include everyone it is simply not possible. However, I may consider an additional server or two in the future should this gain popularity and traction.

For the complete rules regarding playing on the server, visit this link at my website: https://ephemeralrift.com/dayz/

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Best wishes,




I’ve never played DayZ but I want to be part of the server O_O don’t even know what kind of game it is haha


Was totally caught of guard when you made this post for Dayz immediately join your Patreon to be actually apart of your universe you made can’t wait to see the most fun and interesting experiences