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Accessed from the southwest corner of chapter 10 snowy area, this chapter addition area contains 3 new scenes for each existing sprite. These 3 scenes are all animated and contain a little more dialogue than most scenes seen in this project. 

The idea breaking chapters up is to get more and better content out faster, I'd love to hear from you if you like or dislike this method in the comments! 

And as always, thank you for your patronage, you make this project possible!



Raunchy Rabbit (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 16:04:26 Simply put, I prefer quality over quantity, & if taking more time to release better content is the cost, then so be it. Just getting an update let's us know progress is being done. Regardless, keep up amazing work! You're one of my favorite artist & I'm amazed how much you've improved over time 😁
2023-03-07 00:40:52 Simply put, I prefer quality over quantity, & if taking more time to release better content is the cost, then so be it. Just getting an update let's us know progress is being done. Regardless, keep up amazing work! You're one of my favorite artist & I'm amazed how much you've improved over time 😁

Simply put, I prefer quality over quantity, & if taking more time to release better content is the cost, then so be it. Just getting an update let's us know progress is being done. Regardless, keep up amazing work! You're one of my favorite artist & I'm amazed how much you've improved over time 😁


Ah frick, thanks man! It really means a lot to see comments like this, I really appreciate your support and your input! Planning to focus on small quality improvements moving forward!