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3 brand new sprites, 2 returning, and 1 scene with our spunky animal sanctuary owner Teya, granted you can find and rescue all 3 animals there are to rescue between chater 7 and 8. This chapter features some action projectile avoidance areas that I was really happy with, I hope you like em! 

In this update I added a fast and dirty GALLERY SYSTEM!! Which has been a very popular request.
if you have unlocked scenes with sprites then you can view them through the index by pressing F. (And yes eventually I will get a full gallery for human characters as well) 

Added a simple fast travel system for getting around the main village areas to cut down on big back tracking. 

Added A new character, Eliza, Who you can find in chapter 2 area. She has a few plot encounters, then a minigame that unlocks a new scene with her!

Thanks for playing, PLEASE report any bugs you find, I am constantly hunting them down and fixing things. 


Already found a few issues, looks like the way I had been updating was causing past sprite data to be erased, I found a workaround that will fix this in FUTURE updates, but unfortunately this most recent update will still wipe all sprite data. You should be able to maintain sprite save data moving into chapter 9. 

fixed a couple bugs, and a resolution upgrade. Should make things look nicer!

**BUG FIXES** V0.03

Fixed player cant set statue down in chapter 6 area
Fixed player frozen after encountering Cheighlana (blue fairy messenger) chapter 7 area
along with a few other misc fixes




Awesome Update! All the new sprites and scene's rock

Cooper Nowak

Probably a dumb question, but how do you run this? It's not working for me


Whoops! This is embarrassing, I accidentally uploaded the wrong file, my bad! uploading correct file now, I'll leave a comment when it's up!


Oooookay correct file is uploaded, sorry again for that! Thanks for the pledge, feel free to hit me up with any bugs!