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Hope you all like it, feel free to notify me of any bugs and I'll fix em asap!


There was a bad bug where sprites were already "found" so scene player couldn't unlock scene I just fixed that. 

Also Fixed puzzles already being solved

Much appreciation to those who reported it so I wasn't just sitting around like a fool with a busted update lol.




Awesome. I'll get the bug report (if there are any) Later today!


are u suppose to be able to do it with the new sprites in the big blue lake? if so i cant


Hey sorry for late reply! Yes there are Binuble hiding in the shallow water, You need to max out their experience gauge to get the scene with them. they MAY be creating little bubbly areas and that MAY be where they are hiding. there are a handful of Binuble to find before you can max out their gauge. (You can DM me if you want a direct tutorial, don't wanna drop spoilers her :P)


i dont know if this is just a me thing but for a lot of the sprites at the lake,it shows that i already have them but ive never found them so it doesnt give me the points for finding them


Is there a way to fuck the messenger more than once or is it just a 1 time thing?


Just a one time thing for the moment, but I plan for her to re appear in later chapters.


is there a mini map


I actually found a way for her to reappear lol, if you go back to the main menu yhe next time you interact with a sprite and close the menu she will reappear. Which is nice because imo it's the best scene you've done so far


Haha well it's technically a bug I will have to fix XD but when I do I will make it so there's a way to view her scene again. Also glad you like the scene!!

Gabriel Regli

f button for searching isn't working


Hi, could you give me a few more details so I can try to fix this? Is it not working all the time? Does it give you the prompt "You check the area" or does it just do nothing? Does character still move? Can you still access index/main menu? Thanks.


Are sprites showing a blue particle effect like they were already found? This was an early bug but fixed in the most recent build 0.7.1

Gabriel Regli

It just does nothing. The character still moves, and I can access the index/main menu


Very weird...One other thing is you could try pressing '?' button, that is an alternate that also checks the area. If that doesn't work another thing you could try is is getting hit by an enemy projectile/river debri till player passes out and see if that fixes the issue. If that doesn't work I'm afraid I'd have to recommend a game restart. Thanks for your patience, I will keep my eye out for that bug and see what I can do about fixing it.


Is there a way to start with a complete index? I loaded a game where I had completed the index but it was empty and I have to rediscover all the sprites.