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Hey all! I know I’ve been a bit quite lately…so what better way to break the silence than with a couple screenshots!?

It’s been a messy couple of months for me, I hit some bad burnout and ended taking abut a month off from actually really working on this project at all. I’m not much for words so long story short I am feeling some fresh inspiration for it as of late and I’m back to working on it again. Soooo I wanted to share a couple screenshots with you! The first picture is a new human Npc called Teya. She will live in Rosy village hard at work on her animal sanctuary. The second is of course one of our new Sprites, and the third is the new area we have to explore. It’s a large lake like area with a bunch of little islands and bridges connecting them.

So that’s all I’ve got to share at the moment, not sure when the update will be out, things are still pretty hecktic right now.

As always I of course have to say how much I appreciate you all and your support and patience, shouldn’t be too much longer now, cheers!




Lookin good! And a break is always a good thing