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I thought it might be fun to share just a tiny bit of how this all works. This is the FSM (Finite State machine) that runs all the logic for each sprite. Every sprite you find is technically a duplicate of the original sprite made, the Shroomet! While the FSM does several small tasks at different points, the state currently selected checks if the player has ever found a sprite before (by checking if he "isVirgin" lol), and if he has not it creates the tutorial panel for I implemented in the last update to explain how things work for newer players.
  This was a feature I put in to help new players understand how this game works a little quicker, since some people were frustrated that they wouldn't get a scene with a sprite every time after finding them. Let me know if you like this kinda stuff or not, I can share more if you do! 

PS: Currently assembling scene for Chapter 7 update, It's just an empty scene right now, but over the next few weeks I'll be populating it with new horny sprites, and a couple exciting new quests to keep things interesting. stay tuned! 
