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Hello everyone!

Just a quick update on what we are working on right now:


- We are bringing back Cloud Backup, for those not interested in syncing saves and that just want to keep a copy of their saved games in the cloud.

- Fixing a bug that sometimes prevents Cloud Sync to launch the cloud provider login screen.


- melonDS Standalone ( thank that one guy that was always asking about it :) )

- Improving install speed for SD Card installations. We are moving all the Emulators and EmulationStation to the internal storage like we do in SteamOS, this will dramatically improve install speed aswell as launch speed for SD Card users while avoiding excessive tear and wear on the SD Card

- Adding Nextcloud to Cloud sync


- New Cloud Sync providers: FTP, SMB and pCloud

- Cloud Sync is being renamed to Cloud Saves to group both Sync and Backup options.

- Cloud Saves configuration screen on first installation.

We hope we can deploy this update this week! We are currently finishing some of the features, and testing others.

Stay tunned for our next update!



Is there a way we could get a fix for pro controller when using citra? Or if there is a fix? The f9 hot key when pressing bumpers would be awesome! And have home button focus work on citra games? If there is a way I can help, I’m happy to :)


Im the guy that i ask for MelonDS standalone for Windows jajaja Thanks guys to listen the community! Keep up the good work and cant wait the next update 😀


awesome! I’d love to contribute by gifting you one. Or I could Venmo you half the price! I love your work and it makes it a whole lot easier for me so just let me know!


Is there a Cloud Sync tutorial? I haven’t managed to make it work, and I have a Steamdeck and Windows PC so it would be incredible. I currently translate my BOTW save manually. And thank you for the amazing work of course 😍😍


This new version wasn't yet released, was it? NVM: the post clearly states it wasn't released yet.


Hey is there a option to select a Roms folder you already have setup like D:\Roms


Awesome man! Pro tip though, get a Bluetooth 4.0 dongle if you’re connecting wirelessly. Otherwise, you will have to re-pair to your pc every time you use it if you’re using a higher Bluetooth version chip. The controller will connect no problem to the deck though


when will we be able to play multiplayer on PS2 games and switch games with several controllers on Windows? like on the steam deck???


nope, sorry. Doing that could be problematic, if you don't follow ESDE convention namings ESDE won't recognise the games and a lot of people won't understand that and it would just be a hell to maintain / support. Same with our parsers, if you don't have the exact same names...it won't work.


Hi, in the future, doing controller setups is really time consuming so we are adding other features first but we will add parity with the SteamOS version as much as we can

Jeremy Kurowski

Makes sense, thanks for clarifying. Freaking love your work. Keep being a digital gangster!!


Lo que me pasaba es que no se me habría el navegador para configurar OneDrive, pero ya he conseguido debuguearlo yo solo :). No sabía que EmuDeck era un proyecto de habla hispana. Puntazo! De donde eres?


Hi. Has the cloud log in been fixed yet? Keep up the great work guys !!