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It seems some people are having issues with the update, so I've pulled it. Please download 2.2.18 using the bat file here:


A quick and small update but with something really big for Windows users.

SteamRomManager remove cache button -> Delete all your SRM entries within EmuDeck.

Git is no longer a dependency so community created versions of Windows like Tiny11 should be now compatible with EmuDeck and there's no longer any need to open the Windows Store

PS: The image is just a tease :P



Dennis Rigdon

For some reasson that version broke emudeck for me, also the android fork isnt working on my odin 2? it made the folders but froze a few times around bezzles. tried uninstall and reinstall. also Pegasus didn't registeer any of the emulators? Just got it today as well

Dennis Rigdon

Thank you for addressing this.

Jack Langley

Seems something has happened to SRM, when I run this and go through Easy mode SRM doesn't get installed, and when I try to run install from manage emulators I get a generic unknown error occured.

Jack Langley

Incidentally if I go back to the old EA bat the same issue is now occuring there too!