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Hey folks,

I hope you've all had a great week so far!

This Sunday I'll be doing my Tedx Talk, talking about life as a Youtuber living in Japan and trying to encourage those in the audience to consider vlogging.
I'm looking forward to it, albeit fairly nervous at the prospect of standing in front of 200 people and having to talk for 15 minutes. Public speaking before a live audience always makes me insanely nervous, and given that this is being filmed and recorded, it only adds to that fear. Still, fingers crossed it goes well.
As soon as the video of the talk is up online, you'll all be the first to see it.

This week also saw the release of the video featuring the trip to Sado Island with Ryotaro. I can't recommend the island enough for those of you looking to escape Tokyo for a long weekend (it takes 3 hours by bullet train and boat to get there). You can enjoy just about every aspects of Japanese culture all in one place, from delicious fresh food to beautiful scenery, temples, beaches, and even gold. In between arguing with Ryotaro about sausages, it was a really great trip.  ► You can check it out here!  https://goo.gl/gxBW6f

This month has easily been one of the most hectic months I've ever faced and with the impending Tedx Talk, I wasn't able to put the final touches to the Learning Japanese video this week. However, it's 90% done and it will be out next week. Sorry for the delay folks - I hope the useful/educational content of the video makes up for it being late.

In the meantime, Natsuki and I finished filming the opening of the packages viewers had sent in and it was a lot of fun opening them up. There was some unexpected gold in there! That video will also be out in early April.

There's one more thing I wanted to share with you.
I've recently been listening non-stop to Japanese 80's funk music. Some amazing people on Youtube have been uploading them en masse and they're so cool to have on in the background (I often like to listen to them and pretend I'm in Tokyo in the 1980's).

I've compiled all the best ones I've found into the below list. Have a listen and I'm sure you'll find some great songs in there as I have. (I'd seriously recommend downloading them off of Youtube though, as they frequently get removed for copyright). I hope you enjoy being transported back in time as much as I do!
► Japanese 80's Funk Music: https://goo.gl/GRJ1MU

As always, if you guys have any questions about anything mentioned above, don't hesitate to ask away below!




Loving the Japanese 80's Funk, thanks for the playlist its ideal for when I'm at work :D, all the best with the Tedx Talk!!!


Just so you know a few of the videos of the 80s say they are blocked in my country (America) but awesome list!


It's awesome that you're doing a TedX talk! Really. I'm not a fan of public speaking, myself and kinda feel nervous with you. Just remember that silence is powerful! Also: breathe But you don't need me telling you this ❤️


Im really looking forward to the TedXTalks and the package opening :) I watched the Sado Island video today and it felt pretty wierd that you always were alone :)


You should play Yakuza 0 if you like 80s Japan. Oh, and thanks for the update!

Sean Walsh

Always love all of the travel videos! I'm going to arrive in Japan in September as an exchange student so I've been binge watching all of them to find cool places to travel to since I'll be there for a year! Really appreciate the content. (P.S. The playlist has some great music on it)


Wait...We can send you stuff?! No one tells me anything around here.lol


Can anyone come to the talk? Or is it a selected/invite only audience?


Hope the talk went well!


The music is amazing, it sounds like a lot of stuff that musicians are trying to do