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Well guys, not only did we make it back alive from our 900km cycleathon around Kyushu, but somehow we were able to raise $550,000 for the Immune Deficiency Foundation.

Thank you to everyone who tuned in - no matter how brief or how long - during our 9 day journey. I realise many of you may have missed it due to work or unfamiliarity with Twitch (I feel like such a boomer using Twitch), but we shot the whole thing for an epic video coming out soon on Abroad in Japan.

This time around honestly made last year's Hokkaido cycle challenge seem like a five star luxury holiday. Kyushu's rugged mountainous terrain, combined with rain so hard it gave Noah's ark a run for its money, led to anything but pleasant conditions, cycling with soggy feet for 9 hours, with Connor falling off twice in one day amidst the conditions.

It wasn't all pain and gloom though, as we were rewarded with some spectacular scenery along the way and some heartwarming strangers with encounters, including a man who ran a karaoke shop and generous viewers appearing along the way to give us chocolate and biscuits.

But if the first cycle was a New Hope, this time around was very much the Empire Strikes Back of blockbuster moments. Plenty to look forward to on this one.

To celebrate surviving the cycle I'll be hosting a live show this Saturday on Chris Abroad where I'll be revealing secrets about our journey and discussing the impending move to Tokyo (more on that next week). It kicks off at 22:00 Japan time! Hope to see you there.

With the cycle out of the way though, it concludes the big three projects of Q1 including Journey Across Japan and the Kyoto bar! Next week I'll be sharing a sneak peek trailers for JAJ: Frozen Frontiers & the Kyoto bar with you guys, as well as releasing a video on Abroad in Japan about dining out in Japan on a budget, which we wrapped shooting today.

Here's a photo of me hard at work on set today, looking like I've taken drugs :S

It was quite the shoot given we went inside over a dozen restaurants in search of bargain priced Japanese dishes, stuffing myself with unimaginable amounts of food for purely educational purposes. But it promises to be a fun video and essential viewing if you plan to visit Japan and don't want to break the bank!

We've also begun work shooting 14 Days in Japan, the ultimate itinerary video, that's quite possibly the most requested video ever. We'll be releasing an extended "21 Days in Japan" version to released exclusively here on Patreon as well to go alongside it.

BEFORE then though guys, here's the Behind the Scenes Patreon video of our recent Kyushu Wacky Weekend Road Trip, from Takachiho Gorge and the abandoned town, to Beppu Hot Springs and that god awful dinosaur hotel.

Outtakes, bloopers, and deleted scenes of a spectacular treehouse lie within!

Where to AVOID Visiting in Kyushu: Patreon Exclusive Video โ›ฉ๏ธ
Watch: https://youtu.be/XfD9labUlfU



Where NOT to go on a Kyushu Road Trip | Patreon Behind the Scenes

Why we cut out the abandoned treehouse and why Takachiho Gorge might not be worth visiting. Outtakes, bloopers and deleted scenes exclusive to Patreon!



I'm currently watching thee vods from the cyclothon on Connor's channel. I can't wait to see your edit. Also congratulations to both of you for the amount raised. That is pretty incredible


Huge congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰. You're out here doing the absolute most. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Jacob Adam

Congrats Chris!


Great job, guys! Sadly, I couldn't catch any of it live (I'm an older (age-wise) Twitch member). It's absolutely fantastic what you guys have achieved! I was wondering, in the future, you will be supporting other foundations, i.e., in Cancer, Lupus, etc.?


Would love to! Dementia or cancer would be tempting given Iโ€™ve had family members suffer from both sadly.


I loved watching the lives every day and after it ended I missed watching them. Lol You guys are amazing and I can't believe you managed to cycle 900km! You absolute Gigachads!

Karen P

Congratulations on the cycle Chris, you and Connor both did great! I loved the visit to the karaoke cafe, so random and entertaining. The host was so nice ๐Ÿ˜Š. I also like the HiHo cafe, I love that they employ disabled folks. Is it run by a disability advocacy group? Looking forward to your video about the cycle. Take care of yourself recovering from all your hard work, and take care of that bicycle, have it thoroughly looked at before you take it out on the road again!


So glad you're doing a 21 day itinerary! I'm planning my trip for Oct/Nov and am completely overwhelmed with choices. Finding the balance between seeing/doing everything and actually having time to enjoy being in the country is a challenge.


Sadly, most of my friends' grandparents have/had dementia. It's incredibly hard, watching people you remember from your childhood look right through you like you're a stranger. Excuse my language, but, FUCK CANCER! My mother in law has lost many close friends and family to it. And, even at the age of 65, she does all the charity events she can for (against?) cancer, like running marathons.


The staff were so kind! It was really great to dine at such a forward thinking restaurant that cared about the local community!


Watched these and enjoyed them immensely. Also watched the cycle Twitch streams - cycling along those roads looked more dangerous than that mountain road. The highways you and Connor cycled were crammed with cars and delivery trucks. Sometimes I could barely hear you guys over the traffic. I'm glad the Van Gang was there to make sure you were safe.


Congrats on the cycle was able to catch up on the VODs and watch the end live. You always stream too late, I live in NZ and that is 2am for me pleas do some earlier streams.