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It happened. We've genuinely exceeded the sky of time.

The $3,000 target has been reached in just under two months!

A spectacular super huge thanks to everyone for your support and a big hello and welcome to the several hundred awesome people who have joined in the last 24 hours.

First off, I’d like to think supporting Abroad in Japan is a worthy investment; you’re not only helping to fund the regular videos on the two channels, but the Patreon exclusive videos, articles and live hangouts, will contain information useful to all of you working towards your own personal quest - whether that's in learning Japanese, travelling to Japan, or for those looking at moving here to work. I want Abroad in Japan to become the ultimate resource for anyone interested in Japan and thanks to you all, it's going to happen.

Now it’s a well known fact that one of the main aims  in the past few years has been to give Natsuki the fame and fortune he desperately deserves. Whether he’s being poisoned eating marmite or carefully analysing and reviewing chocolate from around the world, or even discovering how to swear in English, Natsuki's been a huge part of Abroad in Japan over the last 3 years, featuring in mainstream media such as the Daily Mail and the BBC and with his videos being viewed over 10 million times.

But my real motivation for wanting to make Natsuki famous is simply because he's one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He's hilarious, down to earth and a lot of fun and I often think it's a tragedy that he's hidden away in the Japanese countryside running his upmarket beauty salon. It's terrifying to think had him and I not bumped into each other in the street 3 years ago.

The concept of "Natsuki: The Movie" is still in it's early stages but in short we're going to produce either a documentary or a mockumentary, of which Natsuki will be the main subject, with the quality of the finished film being at a professional broadcast quality.

I don't care if we have to fly him to Paris to film up the Eiffel tower, or send him to a temple in the mountains of Nepal, or perhaps he'll undertake a series of bucket list style challenges. Quite honestly, no expense will be spared on this, with the ultimate goal being to produce something worthy of potentially submitting to a film festival/documentary festival. 

Currently I have a few ideas swimming around as to what it could be about, but I'm still at the stage where I'm open to ideas about what you guys would like to see. There are now over 800 awesome people on here and it'd be foolish of me not to consider your ideas and views and in many ways I see it almost like a giant group project. And of course if you have an idea that is used to produce the film/documentary, you'll be credited for it accordingly. 

Help kick things off by throwing in your ideas below!

As you can probably tell I'm taking this project quite seriously - it's going to be epic, it's going to be hilarious, and most of all it's going to be a lot of fun. 

You only live once - so you might as well make Natsuki the movie.





Have him meet Karl Pilkington. Or do a Japanese version of An Idiot Abroad.


You talked about maybe meeting Ken Watanabe - if you do, maybe you can persuade him to play a small role in Natsuki - The Movie


I want to see Natsuki tryng to understand the UK- we never got to see that video! Natauki is at his best when he shows us how unusual things can look through another's perspective. Also more hilarious drunkenness


A Natsuki world tour of sorts?


Bucket list sounds sweet.


A mockumentary sounds amazing, something along the lines of how this amazing chocolate analyzer ended up in the beauty industry and how he got stuck with this sarcastic british bloke following him round with a camera.


Congratulations Boys!!!What if you , or Natsuki more actually, lived more than once? Maybe the legend of Natsuki could be traced through time. History and humor could get quite costly I suppose, so do what you like... but one way or another, I would love to see our hero have the journey he deserves.


Chris, whatever you decide on will be gold. We know for a fact this movie will be amazing, so don't worry too much.


Maybe Natsuki develops animesa, has no idea who is, and ends up traveling parts of the world to find out with hilarious results.


Congratulations!!!! I think the best idea would be to stick with what Natsuki would be comfortable with, perhaps, so it would be more genuine. A bucket list style maybe something like "The Moaning of Life Karl Pilkington" lol. Set in Japan, south to north or north to south, I know alot of people dont get to see what other parts of Japan are like. Everyone knows of Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto but you could show Kobe and others places that i dont know because i am one of the everyone :). Im sure this way it would be cheaper, you and Natsuki would be more comfortable, and have an easier time arranging things. There are some ancient ruins somewhere in southern Japans ocean that I know they let visitors go diving to explore, so stuff like that! Whatever you do I cant wait to see, Im sure it'll be great. Good luck!!!


I don't really understand the concept of the movie. If you clarify it a little more, I'd be glad to offer some ideas. :)

Laura Beaumont

Congrats on the 3k!! I love Tanya's idea. :D Whatever the story I'm sure it will be brilliant. Can't wait to see this happen!


Congratulations. I hope my money/support helps you guys grow even stronger and get Abroad in Japan to where it needs to be. Good Luck with the movie. Natsuki is a Legend.


Congrats! I personally would love to see a docu-style story about Natsuki... the 'you think you know, but you have no idea'... but also not exactly Cribs style, either. haha! I think what's been most compelling about Natsuki is when the two of you are just friends being friends and the chemistry you have together. Would just love to know more about him. Whatever you do, I know it will be great!


I see the Youtube video helped :) congrats! Anything with Natsuki is bound to be great, but it definitely needs to let his style shine. Since it is a movie, it should be planned of course, but I think if you can find a way to incorporate some genuine reactions in there, it would be great! (Maybe that means bringing him to a new place, but it would be just as fine within Japan I am sure). Speaking of reactions, how did he think of you meeting this goal??


Congratulations and well done! I'm looking forward to Natsuki the movie 👍✨😃


Congratulations!!! I'm so looking forward to Natuski the movie! You've brought me so much entertainment with Abroad in Japan, I'm honored to be able to help the series and make this movie! Anything with you and Natsuki will be hilarious and well worth the watch.


Congrats on your achievements! For the movie you could take Natsuki to your neck of the woods in England where you grew up, give him a camera and use what he films to create the movie. But whatever you make will be great.


Personally I'm all for just an hour-long video of Natsuki trying to read a Shakespeare script.


Natsuki. I just like hearing you talk with the guidance of Chris "Fucking Creana" Broad.


I'd love to hear an epic, highly exaggerated history of Natsuki and how he got to become so amazing!


I really like the ideas floating around about this Karl Pilkington style docu-movie esque... thing? But even if this wasn't in 'Natsuki - the movie' I would love to see you guys re-enact scenes from famous movies more often. You shall not pass tickled me, so lets see others like that!


Congratulations well deserved. Personally I would like to see Natsuki exploring England and trying to mix with the locals and join in with some quintessential english pastimes such as maypole dancing.


Oh shiet son, this is actually gonna happen now. The #NatsukiTheMovie hype begins!!!


Tell Natsuki you're going to Paris to go up the Eiffel Tower and then come to Blackpool and go up the Blackpool tower. See if he notices. And come visit me while you're there ;)


Natsuki as neo in the matrix uncensored.


Holy Cow! That happened quickly! I've had to break open my 'In case of Natsuki : The Movie' Cabinet. It contained only Orangina and my Akira Kurosawa back catalogue. A shortened 'Yojimbo' anyone? Just me? I'll get me' coat. Still, excellent news, tho :D


natsuki around the world. visiting various countries like gb, germany, various us states, maybe brasil or other countries in south america, maybe the sahara, the south or north pole and learning about their culture and stuff. id love to see something like that :)


Do an idiot abroad styled movie with natsuki traveling the globe and waxing poetically about the sights and sounds of other countries.


I can't believe you missed an opportunity to use YOLO at the end, now that it's officially recognized as a word. Also, Natsuki going to several third world countries and styling people's hair to look like anime characters. Have to spread Japanese culture somehow.


Just do some kind of a My Fair Lady thing. The goal could be landing him a job as a barkeeper in some high class bar or hotel in GB or any place in Japan where he needs to speak flawless English to get hired. The challenge would be a) improving his English skills by 7000% and b) having him to learn how to make proper drinks. Other than that I guess you should maybe just ask him, if there's anything he always wanted to do, like meeting someone famous, learning a certain skill, traveling somewhere, maybe make him do that without or with a very limited budget. If you're going for something bucket list-ish, I feel like it should have some traditional background to why you're doing those exact things, otherwise I'm not sure if it will make sense plot wise. Anyway, there's literally a million things you guys could do and what ever it's going to be in the end, I'm super exited already!


Chris, we should all find a way to get Natsuki (and you) to experience having a fresh off the line Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut. The service is world class and the product is otherworldly!


A parody of a bunch of English movies (including his version of Han Solo), and at least one belligerently drunken scene!


natsuki's japan japan through natsuki's eyes


Mockumentary for sure. 'The Office' style, as I find your comedic timing a lot like Ricky Gervais', it would make for a great film, I'm sure your creativity could find a way to put your own unique spin on it. But I'd love to see you guys stay in Japan, after all that's what this channel is all about!


WHAT AMAZEMENT. I'm so happy to be a teeny part of helping this happen


Tampopo remade with Natsuki's salon instead of a ramen shop


Make an around the world documentary where you and Natsuki goes to different countries neither of you've been to yet. It would be like a magic!


Are there any interesting stories about Natsuki's ancestors?


Everybody just loves him! I think this movie will get him the attention that he definetly deserves ! :D hashtag:welovenatsuki !


is it just me or am I the only one that wants to go drinking with Chris and Natsuki?


Omg please please please get on the piss with Ryotaro too! I think him and Natsuki would be a blast.




"Natsuki the WORLD TOUR!!!" with pics of him posing in front of famous landmarks.


+ Seeing a night out with Natsuki at a british bar would be pretty funny. I'm English too so can see how mad that could end up. haha

Eyal Goldberg

1 hour of him saying "fackum creaner" in slow motion will be just fine.


The movie can be about you trying to form a Japanese boy band that appeals to the English music scene. Natsuki can be the lead singer and the movie can be about him trying to find band members and make it big in England. (With limited success)


All I have to say is make sure a "Natsuki: The Move Part 2" is possible. 👌


Oh my life this will be awesome! :') I don't have any ideas in particular, just wanted to say I'm looking forward to the outcome. :D