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Not long after our Cessna flight over Sakurajima volcano in April for Journey Across Japan, Kagoshima's explosive centrepiece violently erupted and surprised the local meteorological agencies.  It was terrifying to think what might have happened had we flown over it that day and been swatted from the sky.

This week in similar fashion, for the second time this decade Mount Aso erupted causing a gigantic mushroom cloud of ash that rained down on the locals of Kumamoto and left half of Kyushu wondering if this was the big one.

Fortunately, no-one was injured during the eruption, which I find bloody astonishing given that just several months ago we were peering straight into the crater along with dozens of other curious onlookers.

It makes me wonder if they'd closed access to the crater that day having detected activity, as the cloud of ash swept straight over the location we shot the music video for Too Much Volcano!

Here's one of the better reports on the eruption:

On a more lighthearted note, I got absolutely bombarded with folks shouting Too Much Volcano and it renewed interest in our ridiculous iTunes chart topping hit!  😂
(How utterly disgraceful of us to capitalise on the destructive power of a volcano).

Yesterday two worlds collided when CDawgVA met his hero Natsuki for the first time ever. - Although looking at the photo above, it appears Natsuki has sat on a knife.

The episode took us to two frightening locations, which will be coming out next week just in time for Halloween! We also had a disaster when we had to abandon one filming location entirely, which I'll explain the Patreon exclusive BTS video next week.

Suffice to say, I think the Patreon BTS video for the next Wacky Weekend with Natsuki will be a good one!

AND speaking of Patreon exclusive videos, here's the outtakes and deleted scenes from last week's 21 Must Try Japanese Convenience Store Foods video.

It's hugely embarrassing, as it's mostly just me sitting in a chair screwing up presenting simple sentences over and over. You'll quickly realise that I'm the world's worst presenter and I don't deserve to be in front of a camera. (It may give hope to those of you wanting to do Youtube, when you realise you don't need to present well. You just need to edit out all your mistakes!)

21 Must Try Japanese Foods | Patreon Exclusive Video

In other news, the brand new Abroad in Japan set is being fitted and built into the studio next week FINALLY. The production team who are building it have done a f*cking amazing job and I can't wait to share it with you all.

And I can also finally reveal the super secret awesome project(s) I've been working on behind the scenes next week. Your patience is about to be rewarded.

I'll be back in the next few days with all that and more, but for now enjoy your weekend, check out the Patreon BTS video and the video of Mount Aso in action.

Honestly, thank god it didn't erupt while were up there.
(Even if it would've made an epic final scene for our music video).



阿蘇山が噴火 登山客ら緊急避難 火砕流など今後も警戒

阿蘇山が20日午前、噴火しました。 大きな噴石の飛散や火砕流に備え、噴火警戒レベルが引き上げられました。 FNNプライムオンライン https://www.fnn.jp/


Nynke de Haas

I think Micaela said that that part of the volcano had been off-limits for a few days, fortunately! Also: looking forward to the videos. Very curious to see how Connor and Natsuki connect :)


Your an excellent presenter, your just not seeing the other presenters out takes. Which are just the same, honestly. Thanks for sharing though, I do love these.


Thanks Chris 😊

Satomi Arihara

How did you manage to control Connor and Natsuki? 😂 And I can't wait for the secret project!


They got on pretty well! And that would make sense - thankfully they can track the seismic activity


Strangely exciting to see connor and natsuki in a photo together, it's like when your 2 favourite shows do a crossover episode! Looking forward to that video and seeing the completed studio, exciting times! 😀


Chris' next purchase: a teleprompter


I love dancing around my mum


Crazy that Aso erupted not too long after your AiJ trip. It's been some months, but the timing with the song is interesting... Hyped to see the epic crossover that is Natsuki and Connor Dawg VA!


Does he try to control? Just stand back and film the chaos probably more fun 👍


You didn’t do anything wrong with the song, you honored the volcano and then the volcano just wanted to get in on the project. And in true educational style we all knew exactly where they were talking about when news of a Mt Aso eruption rolled in. You did good!

Susan Ray

Aso was just giving you some good footage for Too Much Volcano Part 2. After all, it was just lying around being lazy while Joey and Natsuki did all the stuff.


The Volcano was pleased about the song and wanted to do a followup. Can't wait for the next Wacky Weekend!!

Laura Beaumont

Too Much Volcano was like a summoning ritual song! 😂 I saw the eruption on NHK news and literally shouted out “A S O too much volcano!” I really couldn’t believe it happened so close to when you guys were there. Crazy. Looking forward to the Connor/Natsuki video! Can’t even imagine how much fun they must have had together.


When I was living in Vancouver, it was easy to get all this stuff at the various Asian grocers, and they usually had English labels pasted on for food safety law reasons. My favorite was the sticker on the back of a bottle of CC Lemon claiming to have the power of 77 Lemons that said "Not a significant source of vitamin C" along with an English nutritional chart that showed it had less than 1% of your daily vit C. Yeah, that stuff's sugar water. But it does taste good!


Haha, I do actually have one but I can’t stand it! I’ve still never really used it.


Awesome, thanks Chris! Can't wait to see more about the upcoming projects!


Hyped to see " the super secret awesome project" Not related to volcanos. Chris, you and the others should do something really nice for Sharla when she gets back. She seems to have had a rough time :(


That is indeed an excessive amount of volcano.

Richard Hawley

A. S. Oh OH!!! Run from Volcano!


You dodged a bullet there, mate. To think, had I been born before 1937 and purchased a ticket to fly to America from Germany aboard the Hindenburg in April 1937 I may well have been a goner. Oh, the humanity!


Well what did you expect, if you suddenly create a anthem of worship for an ancient God in his dormant slumber ... ....for further information consult the works of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.


New Patron here and I've got so much to catch up on that I'm looking forward to but I'm a little bummed to occasionally come across private videos, what's up with those?