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Before we dive into the final diary entry & photos for Journey Across Japan: The Lost Islands, the Hokkaido road trip video is finally up on Abroad in Japan!

It’s actually the second longest video we've ever produced after Natsuki: The Movie, with a run time of 28 minutes (hence the long time it took to edit).

As well as introducing my best American friend Pete, I’m really proud of the cinematography and tried to raise the bar on the production quality front as well, as we discover floating rocks, Stephen King inspired barns and Stonehenge to name a few locations.

In many ways, the trip was a test run for Journey Across Japan as I had to familiarise myself with the new camera (Sony A7siii) and I learned a lot of lessons to take through to the Lost Islands!

I Drove to Japan's Most Extreme North | Hokkaido Road Trip
⛩️ https://youtu.be/UlRraQXerGg

And speaking of the Lost Islands, let’s see how we get on, on the final leg of our journey!


DAY 5 - Nagasaki

This is it folks. The last major city in Japan I’ve yet to visit and it certainly didn't disappoint.

As the morning kicked off and we drove into Nagasaki, we were all excited, given none of us had ever experienced the city. And inevitably there was only one challenge in Anpanman this morning - to produce the final chapter of the Dr Jelly story.

We all knew it was coming and Joey and Natsuki were delighted. Being the producer, editor and awkward actor in these damn commercials, I’ll admit I was less enthusiastic.

While we gave Natsuki a few hours off in the morning so he could do some shopping for souvenirs, Joey and I went exploring - or rather eating - around town.

We started off in Nagasaki Chinatown, where we had the most delicious pork buns I think I’ve ever eaten, drizzled with delightfully stringy cheese.

Next we bought some of the city’s famous flower ice cream and wandered beneath the oldest stone bridge in town, with koi fish splashing about nearby. It was all rather romantic.

Our romantic stroll ended when we visited the memorial for the Atomic bomb that struck on August 9th 1945 (August 9th actually happens to be Natsuki’s birthday). I discovered that on the morning of the 9th, the bomber actually intended to hit the industrial city of Kitakyushu, about 100km north. However, due to adverse weather the bomber chose another nearby target and Nagasaki’s fate was sealed.

But similar to Hiroshima, walking through the bustling streets and parks, I came away feeling optimistic that if a city can rebuild itself after being destroyed by an atomic bomb, it can pretty much overcome anything.

After Joey and I munched our way through the city, we caught up with Natsuki and headed off to Gunkanjima, literally “Battleship Island” about a 40 minute boat ride out into Nagasaki Bay.

The island had been on my bucket list for a decade and as the boat neared and the concrete towers came into view, I felt a surge of excitement I usually only feel when buying Family Mart fried chicken.

It really is an impressive sight to behold. At one point the island was one of the most densely populated spaces on Earth; today, its concrete towers are slowly crumbling into the sea.

Whilst Gunkanjima was visually striking, unfortunately as it’s only accessible via tour, the actual experience on the island was fairly unremarkable. We went with a group of about 50 people, with a couple of guides shouting through a megaphone and explaining the history.

All in all, I’m glad we were able to visit Ikeshima the day before, as that was a much larger island that you could truly wander through and explore, compared to the slickly choreographed tour of Gunkanjima. But we had no regrets about visiting, and the island has a fascinating story to tell in the video.

Returning to Nagasaki, we hastily shot the Dr Jelly commercial - and this time, Natsuki had ingeniously come up with the natural sequel to energy jelly and hand jelly.

I’m not going to spoil it, but it’s quite possibly the most ridiculous, over-the-top, hilarious commercial we’ve made to date and a fitting end to the Jelly saga. It was brilliant to get Natsuki in it once and for all as well.

We ended our day overlooking Nagasaki from a nearby mountain, where we had quite possibly the best burgers in Japan. Natsuki and Joey even battled it out to see who could eat a triple cheeseburger the fastest (I have no idea how they were able to eat those monstrous burgers).

But like that, our huge adventure across Kyushu, and 3 islands was at an end.

Natsuki called it his best holiday yet, Joey referred to it as the most fun he’d ever had in a week, and I was too burned out to truly appreciate all that we’d done.

There’s no doubt, it was an incredible week, full of firsts. Whether it was flying in a Cessna through ash of Japan’s most active volcano, riding a horse that wanted to kill me, exploring abandoned islands and the nation’s biggest theme park, or producing a rap video in an igloo, Journey Across Japan: The Lost Islands is set to be one hell of a trip.

It’ll be a FIVE part series, but each episode will be 25-30 minutes long, so in effect it’ll be almost TWICE the run time of Journey Across Japan: Escape to Fuji!

You can expect the first episode in late May, with a trailer in a couple of weeks - a trailer which will be released EARLY right here on Patreon.

And with a BEHIND the SCENES Patreon episode being released each week alongside the series, featuring bloopers, outtakes and deleted scenes, you’ll be able to enjoy every step of this hilariously action-packed nightmare.

But a huge thanks to you all for making this series happen guys. I really hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed producing it!

Before then though, we’ve got a few new episodes out on Abroad in Japan, but more on that later this week.




man i cant WAIT for this!!!!!


I have said it before; Journey across Japan > anything on Netflix/Prime. I can't wait, and your production quality definitely went up in your trip with Pete. So the new equipment has paid off, I feel.


You and Joey always manage to end up in some very romantic scenario across every Journey Across Japan series Chris. 😂


Oh man. I'm so pumped for this!! Have really enjoyed these posts- great for building the excitement. 🤩

Nynke de Haas

Loved the Hokkaido video and will love the Journey across Kyushu ones! The jelly looks like it might by petroleum jelly (large jar!), but if it's censored, maybe not (wink wink nudge nudge)


Looking forward to the series! Your channel is pretty much unique on YT in that it ALWAYS delivers the quality you expect, so I already know JaJ3 will be awesome! 💖


Man, I can't wait for this to come out! These journal posts have gotten me so hyped! And the video with America Pete was so funny, he really brings the energy. I hope we see him on the channel again!


I loved the soundscape in Hokkaido video. Could be just because I was wearing headphones but it really sounded great. And, of course, it looked great too. Every video gets better and better and they already beat most movies I've seen (and all I do is watch movies because I don't have a life...). I can't wait to see this new Journey Across Japan! 💗


Lovely, very excited and can not wait for these to come out. I have been a fan since 2017 so I'm glad I am able to help support in any way I can.


I really enjoyed your Hokkaido Road Trip Video! You had some awesome shots in there and I agree that you can be proud of it. Also the combination of Pete's and your personality made it quite entertaining 😄 I'm always excited when a YouTube notification about a new upload from you pops up. Can't wait for Journey Across Japan!


“a fitting end to the Jelly saga”. 😏Nice try Also loved the Hokkaido trip. More Pete please.


Every "series" you've had has been a smash hit and I'd say this is one gonna be another tray of treats that's gonna deliver such usual crisp quality content

Satomi Arihara

My expectations have been growing more and more 😄


This sounds great 😃


The Hokkaido episode was your best yet! I checked out Pete's Twitch channel shortly after your video was released, and caught the tail-end of a "release party" live stream where he played your vid with a Japanese TV style "reaction view" in the corner, and it was a blast! He paused your vid throughout and provided insights into some of the scenes (watch his hands during the ramen scene -- the man was freezing!), talked about working the drone, and praised your editing skills. I'm probably one of the few that enjoys watching movies the whole way through with the audio commentary tracks enabled, so Pete's stream was right in my wheelhouse. Perhaps you could do something similar, and have an unscripted dialogue while watching your own video and share some anecdotes, thoughts behind the editing process, etc -- things that really wouldn't make it in a "behind the scenes" produced video. Maybe make it a thing for one of your Patreon live streams? Thanks for these videos, Chris -- these have been a highlight of coping with the pandemic. Looking forward to more longer-format releases!


i keep reading all this in Chris's British voice lol


Your Hokkaido video had absolutely stunning cinematography. Can't wait to see what you produce in JaJ3.


When are you joining Joey and Natsuki in the coloured hair club, Chris?


New patron and so glad I subbed just in time for all the BTS goodness for JAJ3. The trip sounds amazing. Looking forward to the videos!


I'm a new patron as well! I'm super hyped for these. I've always loved your Journey Across Japan videos! Can't wait to watch!


Haha anticipation for this is high


Just wanted to add my support for Pete and the Hokkaido video. Really enjoyed the editing and the balance of facts and fun.


Hokkaido video was great, you mentioned the SonyA7s, can you also say which drone/drones you use?


I literally can't wait!


Looking forward to the video, you guys are always so entertaining to watch! Glad Natsuki was around for Dr Jelly this time. Really enjoyed the Hokkaido video, too, gave Pete a follow on Twitch. =)

Blue Catwolf

Hmm, Doc Jelly strikes again! The video 'icy nuts' jelly prank by Akidearest to the poor Joey, could be a good origin story of Doc Jelly. After that he just gone mad, like after the fall of the Joker in a biohazard-/chemical pool... :-)


Kind of sad that this is the last we see of Dr Jelly, as it is one of the things I most look forward too when Joey is in the mix, however all good thing must come to an end. Lookin forward to the upcoming JAJ and your near death experiences :)


I think we're going to end it on a high note with inclusion of Natsuki! Ever since we created Dr Jelly, everyone's wanted to see the two of them together and it's going to be hilarious!


It is going to be exciting to see how this epic and hilarious Dr Jelly saga comes to an end. I really enjoy watching your videos and I'm looking forward to what else you have in store!


Now I'm looking forward for what's next for Dr. Jelly? Hmmmmm


Isn't that the island used in Skyfall?


joey's "Docta jelly da" from the old train commercial kills me!


In the picture in Nagasaki where Joey is walking on the stones across the river, there is something kind of unusual looking to the left of his head, up on the walk overlooking the river. Is that two people? Someone with a large heart-shaped head?


LOL if you did shoot the commercial to Dr.Jelly in a love hotel, it would have to be "Dr.Love Jelly" XD