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Which Abroad in Japan video gets the most hate mail? What is Japanese humour REALLY like? Where do I want to visit the most in the US? Why is it so hard to make friends in Japan? And what am I having for lunch?

These are just some of the questions answered in today’s exclusive Patreon episode!

► Watch: https://youtu.be/xcvlrto_zgA

I’ll keep it short and sweet here guys and let the vlog do the talking; thanks to everyone who sent in their questions! There’ll be another Q&A next month, so don’t worry if your question didn’t get answered this time around.

Later this week I have some exciting news - two bits of exciting news - but in the meantime folks enjoy the Patreon episode and check out some of the awesome Japanese comedy sketches by the late Ken Shimura (Japan’s biggest comedian).

Hopefully like me, you may discover a newfound appreciation for Japanese comedy!

Ken Shimura Japanese Comedy Sketches:
► The Teacher: https://youtu.be/Ic53hhFllPM

The Door: https://youtu.be/HsbWwXaujp8

► The Airplane: https://youtu.be/MRdYFgOeamw

► The Hospital: https://youtu.be/95CZwjQFX1U

P.S. For those of you who’ve been to Utah, is it as glorious as I imagine it to be in the video?


The Reason It's Hard to Make Friends in Japan | Patreon Exclusive

Which Abroad in Japan video gets the most hate mail? What is Japanese humour REALLY like? Where do I want to visit the most in the US? Why is it so hard to make friends in Japan? And what am I having for lunch?



The whole American Southwest looks like that. Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico but mostly southern Utah.

Nynke de Haas

I can never think of questions when you ask for them, but now I have one: do you own a rice cooker? Because cooking Japanese rice without them is quite a lot of work... Also, just thanks for the funny, entertaining video! Just what I needed now that I've heard that at least one medical professional thinks that the mild but persistent 'flu' that has kept my partner and me tethered to our house for five weeks is probably Corona. Here's hoping that we get better soon and are then immune!


Will you do a livestream on your birthday? We'll be all here to celebrate!


I've heard every home in Japan is going to get 2 free masks!? Also do you have a favourite set of chopsticks...still waiting for some black white and red Abroad in Japan ones to appear in your online store 😁


This may seem as random as your ending of the video - try a small Russian town in Siberia - honestly, best fun to be had on Google Maps!


A few times I've looked up the address of a friend/family member on Google Maps to see if they're in the photo, might be the only one who finds that kind of funny. I'm not sure how often they update the photos but people have been able to see my dad doing yardwork for at least the past ten years.

Rynnik Elddi

Ken Shimura was probably the most well known Japanese comedien abroad, as even my relatives who aren't really Japanophiles often shared clips of his sketches via WhatsApp and other messaging apps. Maybe it's the slapstick and "Benny Hill" like style of his comedy that transcends language barriers that endear him to so many people worldwide. May he Rest In Peace.


Thank you for answering my question, Chris! Happy it featured. Through your videos I learned that your saying is best, "Be who you want to be" and I think you exemplify it best! It's easy to form a connection and understand. I love your at home videos, too, it's nostalgic and kind of reminds me of what your other channel is like haha. Also, in case you don't make a video on it: Happy Birthday in advance!


'she clearly licked the wall' isn't that from the podcast where the girl came home to find the the wall dripping with you sauce? Also Chris is turning 30?! I thought he already did! Oh well, happy birthday!


My entire day is ruined. Not one of Pete's sound clips are of him doing his train announcer impression. Its an outrage, an indignity, a down right disgrace! Good video but.


Chris!! Please, do not forget to add Pete announcing the stations in Japan to the soundboard! I nearly burst while laughing over this when listening to the podcast!


I'm so glad you've looked into Utah as I urged in our correspondence. I would have loved to have shown you some of the most glorious scenery you may ever see in your life. Also, nearby areas have some natural wonders as well like Antelope Canyon and the Grand Canyon. I prefer the former. I'm glad you're staying safe in these uncertain times. I'm a healthcare worker, so I'm off to work now. Luckily, Texas hasn't been hit hard like other areas yet. We have been doing the stay at home for weeks now, no matter what the news might say. Here's to this all coming to an end so I can finally get back to Japan!


Fingers crossed you finally meet Ken Watanabe this year in good circumstances. We're all rooting for you! I'm going to have to re-watch memoirs and the last Samurai to get my fix, not that I mind. Maybe Utah will be your next great adventure! Just don't forget to come home for a decent fry up first.


Can't believe you didn't show us those cooked noods.


I've never seen his work before but the clips in the video made me genuinely laugh out loud. I'll be sure to look up more of his sketches. It's just sad this is how I had to learn of him.


I got you: https://peal.io/soundboards/donaldson-the-train-announcer


Time to step up your instant ramen game, Chris! Do what we did in college: toss it all in a pot with an egg and some fresh veggies. 👍


Definitely make Utah a visit if you get the chance spent 5 weeks there and it was well worth it, mind you I’m a Mormon so its second nature for us to go there haha.


I agree, Utah is pretty spectacular to visit. I have driven through Utah 5 times now on various road trips, and I have absolutely loved every time I visit (minus one time that I met particular scary people in a very small town I stopped for gas in) The scenery never gets bored driving from Idaho to Nevada. Every hour or two the scenery changes, so it is never boring.


Been to Utah once for about two weeks. It truly is spectacular in many places, but do keep in mind that there's a lot of driving involved. I wouldn't recommend just winging it and hitchhiking, you'll dry up and crumble. A lot of light hiking to do, but everything is always well indicated on signs and every sight makes you slowly believe you've landed on Mars.


Wehey! I just became a patron! Just to say, your videos really brighten my day and I'm very glad I came across them. Keep up the good work, and stay safe!


Was it a call for hate comments lol


the bit about getting back to your roots, that made me laugh very suddenly XD

Tim Szczesuil

We've only been to Utah once, but it was spectacular. Especially the the National Parks in the South, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Canyonlands, and Arches N.P. were breathtaking. Also, Moab was a outdoorsy and "hip" city.


Sorry to hear that Nynke, wishing you and your partner a speedy recovery. I can reveal I do own a rice cooker! It'd be a crime to live in Japan without one! Though I think I've used it once in about 5 years. I've never been much of a rice person, as it seems to just knock me out (better than sleeping tablets ever could).


Haha, I'm not sure why I've never thought about making Abroad in Japan chopsticks. It could be a merchandise gamechanger.


THAT'S THE ONE! I thought it might've been that rather surreal episode. And thanks for the birthday wishes!


Welcome aboard! Many thanks for your support - be sure to check out the 50+ exclusive videos on the main feed!


When can we expect the train video Chris?! Thanks, and stay safe!

Nynke de Haas

I mainly look at where I grew up on Google Street View to see the garden decked in glorious summer green - but when I just went to have another look, I discovered that my dad is now on there at the top of a very high ladder, cleaning the gutter! <3

Michael Taylor

You said you didn't know where Pete's "She clearly licked the wall" came from but I am pretty sure it was when he was talking about when a girl's apartment had soy sauce leaking from the roof! Haha


Hey unrelated. I’ve been taking Japanese lessons from a native speaker for over a year now. I guess I know te form alright but I still can’t even hold a conversation. Older lessons and conjugations- kunai etc etc whatever I seem to forget after we move past it. Is there a point when you start to get the language? I’ve been trying we have lessons once a week should I get more I’ve taken some N4 practice test and keep failing? Anyway cheers


Thumbnail game on the new bullet train video is really on par with the best of them, Chris. Your facial expressions continue to be absolutely dazzling.


I lived in Vegas for quite a few years and made many trips to Utah since it was so close by. Zion is insanely beautiful and unique, as is Arches National Park. Winters in some parts of Utah can be quite severe. Bryce Canyon is also a favourite place to visit. The scenery around Salt Lake City is stunning but if you've seen one big city you've pretty much seen them all. It's a beautiful state, but so is Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon, where I now live.


Was this video struck down for copyright? D:

Jette Nielsen

I finally found the time to watch this and was so excited but its gone! :'(