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Hey guys,

VERY quickly, we're planning a live show from the Sapporo Snow Festival tonight.

It could go well - it could be a disaster.

Either way, there's some great people and it'd be a shame not to take advantage of that!



It'll be hosted on the Abroad Perspective channel - hope to see you there and hopefully the cold weather doesn't screw the iPhone battery! It'll be available to watch afterwards if you can't make it.



Sapporo Snow Festival | LIVE | Abroad in Japan, Natsuki, Sharla, Chiaki, Pete

An impromptu live show from Sapporo Snow festival, featuring Chris, Natsuki, Sharla, Chiaki and Pete.



Hmmm... is there alcohol involved in this sudden decision? ;-)


iPhone battery vs bbc news was not good.. shame you haven’t got a power pack on ya haha! See you in 45 mins :)


Hope it's not too cold (well it.probably is) I'm walking along Sandbanks beach in Dorset, its a bit cold and windy here that's for sure!


Awesome! And also really poor planning on your part as I'm currently busy helping my dad renovate and won't be able to partake! But all the best of luck and have fun!


Nooo😱 Not now, I'm at work over here 😂 Have fun guys and good luck 😀


It's too bad the chat goes nuts during live streams, but it was fun seeing what you guys were up to!


Time to watch the replay! If only I was one of those lunatics - - err, I mean morning people who can wake up at 5am 🤣


video removed?

Laura Beaumont

I left a YouTube comment that I wanted to draw an “Abroad in Japan on Ice!!!” skating scene and I think I definitely will work on that! Just the thought of you guys having an ice skating show makes me chuckle. Looking for outrageous skating poses now. (Send me some for inspiration if you want) 😂


OK, having finished the replay, that was a great live stream! The snow festival looked like so much fun and it was cool seeing viewers show up spontaneously! I hope you'll do more of these. Highlights have got to be you desperately trying to get anyone to buy you food and drink. 🤣


No doubt Jakenbake is a good source of tips on doing this!


Juggling impromptu commentary with fan interactions, rapid-fire comments and treacherous snow did seem a bit stressful.


Yes. I saw that Chris is considering not doing more live streams because some people thought he came off as rude, but I'm going to make the bold assumption that these people have never done a live stream for 2000 viewers before.


Yeah I probably did try to answer/interact a bit too much. The problem is when people pay to ask a question on Superchat, you have about 30-60 seconds to answer their question before it disappears. And if you don't answer it you feel fantastically guilty - and given it was the first live show there was quite the onslaught of superchat messages to get through! I'm tempted to turn it off for the next one.


Yeah, you could always leave the Superchat option for live streams when you're just sitting in front of your computer and when you don't have to answer all the questions yourself. Best of luck with the next stream!