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As we stand on the precipice of a New Year, let’s take one last look back at a crazy, action-packed 2019 on the Abroad in Japan channel, and the people, places and moments that helped define it.

Top 10 Highlights of 2019 on Abroad in Japan | Patreon Exclusive

►  WATCH: https://youtu.be/4nsGDPu64JU

I’ll keep it short and sweet and let the video do the talking for now, and I’ll be back at the start of 2020 to reveal the game plan for next year - although, there are two guiding philosophies I plan to follow next year.

No.1 is to make more content than ever before - currently my record is just over 40 videos (in 2018), and we're going to beat that in 2020. 

And to prove I’m not bluffing, in 2020 for the first time, I’m going to hire an Assistant Editor, who can help us produce new videos and create more content than ever before.

If you’re someone with experience in editing (with a CV or portfolio), drop me an email at abroadcreative@gmail.com! But I hope to have found someone before January is out.

And the second guiding philosophy of 2020 is to go back to focussing on comedy. I feel the channel has gravitated too much towards being travel focussed this last few years (not intentionally).

So in the first few weeks of the New Year, I’m going to strap myself to a chair and binge watch Abroad in Japan videos from the first 3 years and make lots of notes (and effectively steal ideas and inspiration from my past self). I want to make 2020 THE year for the channel; especially as I'm turning 30 (the pressure's on).

But for now guys, once again a very Happy New Years and I’ll see you on the other side! A huge thanks for being a part of the journey - I can't wait to take you along for the unpredictable, absurd ride once again in 2020.

Natsuki, Ryotaro and Pete send their regards to you all!

As for me, I'm off to drink something cheap and mildly alcoholic.


Top 10 Abroad in Japan Highlights of 2019 | Patreon Exclusive

We look back on the crazy, fun-filled, action-packed year that was 2019, and the moments that defined it.



Happy New Years Chris!!! I can't wait to see what 2020 brings to the AiJ channel!! Perhaps 2 million subs!?!?!?!?


Glad you relaunched Abroad Perspective (incidentally, it made me buy a tiny Pacman machine). Happy new year :)


Happy new year!!


Happy New Year, Chris! Thanks so much for all the hard work you put into your videos and podcasts. Hope 2020 brings you even greater successes! 💜


It was a long and wonderful 2019. Thanks for all of the fantastic videos!


Happy New Year!


Happy new year, Chris! Looking forward to what the channel will bring in 2020 :)

rafa UGM

Happy 2020!


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!


Happy New Years, Chris! 😁

Niken Larasati

Happy new year, currently evacuating my grandma due to flood hope she won't be fussy staying with us for a while...


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!


"> I’m going to hire an Assistant Editor". Holy cow, I think Chris has been body-snatched! Happy New Year to you, Chris. I hope you can find someone with your high standards since your vids are super-slickly produced, shot, and edited.. but you need a bit of help so you don't die of overwork. :)

Laura Beaumont

Happy new year!! Can’t wait to see what you guys get up to in 2020! 🎉


I hope the editor you hire will have a collection of the iconic sounds you use in your videos. Enjoy the new year!


Cheers and Happy New Years from CA, USA everyone


Cheers from a Thai student in the USA! Keep up the great work, lads.


Cheers and Happy New Year from Québec, Canada. I hope you will still make some travel-oriented videos, even by drastically decrease their rate, as I very much enjoyed the whole Journey Across Japan ordeal (for you!), as well as your Fukushima documentary (among others of your content). Not to say that I do not enjoy your more comic content, far from that!, but your channel has been very good and heavily used base material for planning my last and upcoming trips to Japan! Anyway, whatever you choose to do, I'll follow along during this new year that I hope will be very much filled with good stuff for you. Once again, happy new year!