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It's refreshing - to pull out a camera and film something at 10 seconds notice, film it in 15 minutes and have it uploaded within an hour. Sometimes I wish I was an actual vlogger...

While I'm proud of Abroad in Japan and where the channel is after 7 years of hard work, I can't help but feel recently that my hands are tied and I have no quick mouthpiece to the world any more.

The bar I've set for myself with Abroad in Japan videos is so high that there's always tons of editing required - often a minimum of 5 long days to produce a video (writing, filming, editing, etc.).

I miss making more spontaneous spur of the moment stuff (like in this video) and I feel like I may be able to unleash a bit more creativity without being burdened by the shackles of expectation through Abroad Perspective.

In the past I know I've talked about things I'd like to do with the channel, but rather than sit around and think about what to do, from now on I'm just going to pull out my camera and film something and get on with it.

That doesn't mean the quality of the videos will be lower - it just means they're going to be raw, and in all honesty, a bit bolder than what I'd dare place on the flagship channel. But above all, I just want to have fun with.

Now go and watch me fail at building a futon!

Sitting Alone in a Traditional Japanese Hotel Room
► Watch:

P.S. Thanks to all of you for the feedback on the most recent post regarding the Natsuki project! I'll be following it up in the coming days.


Sitting Alone in a Traditional Japanese Hotel Room

Witness me struggle to build a futon.



I'm really excited about the resurrection of the Abroad Perspective channel! I think it's a great way to connect more the viewers and have a more raw feeling! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

Jette Nielsen

Very exciting Chris! I'm happy you're going to use Abroad perspective for fun and different stuff that you won't be able to put on the main channel. Looking foreward to seeing it! Also *claps and nods approvingly* well done on the futon. Well done indeed


I'm soooo happpy about that! I love Abroad Perspective!


I think it’s safe to say that we all appreciate your perspective, and that using this channel as a personal outlet seems like a healthy route to take! Plus, when you’re having fun creating this type of content, it really shows through in the videos themselves.


I don’t claim to know you personally but I do appreciate the ”unfiltered, unprocessed (unpasteurized?) Chris” vibe in this type of video.


Videos like this are why I started watching Abroad In Japan. I love the videos you're putting out there now, but literally three days ago I found myself wishing you would resume putting out videos like this again in addition to those you're putting out now. I won't pretend to know anything about YouTube's algorithms, but from a viewer's perspective, I'd like to see these sort of videos on Abroad again. But for being a patron, I would've missed it and I know that I'd be sad that I did.


Great, love the off the cuff randomness the Abroad Perspective channel can offer - looking forward to whatever you fire up there!


Go for it, Chris! It would be cool to have an avenue where you could randomly upload ideas without stressing much on the details and the perspective of the dreadful majority. I honestly miss your lo-fi stuff -- back when you didn't even have a proper mic to use for your videos but still crack top-notch witty jokes with camera tricks on the side. The random drinking game and ASMR content which you've attempted to bring out to the world are basically precious gems at this point.


I really enjoyed it. Some of your best content(in my opinion) has been slightly mundane things. I'm really hyped for the main channel, but i really like the idea of a second channel for you to "dare to be bold". Bright future ahead!

Nynke de Haas

I think you've had another Very Good Plan - and one that won't involve editing pulling you down! Genius :)


He’s baaaaack! 👍🏽👍🏽


SUPER stoked about this, I really get the feeling this is gonna be a lot more personal of a channel like I think you're going for. If I could, though, I'd like to argue one of the things that you said. I REALLY don't think that the main channel feels impersonal at all, or that there's a barrier of video editing between us and you. In fact, I think your abilities in video editing really help bring a presence to them that a lot of other channels don't have. Every time I start up one of your videos I feel like I'm about to start a little mini-trip somewhere along with you and whoever gets dragged along. I think Abroad Perspective will really have some amazing new life and personality in it, but I wouldn't discredit yourself. It's not so much that that personality ISN'T in the main channel, but that it'll be here much more strongly. Look forward to more content man


Yeyyy ☺️👏🏻👏🏻


I know it's probably wishful thinking, but is there a chance You could make a highlight video of last few days of Your journey across Japan (the days You have not produced the videos for)? You mentioned the quality would not be up-to-par with the rest of Your videos, so that would be a good opportunity to use the footage. Either way I love all Your videos and am looking forward what You do in the future.


yesss I’m so into this chris


New Patron here.... I really enjoy the more "mundane" "everyday tasks" videos. I stayed in my daughter's dorm room at Kyushu University, but I was definitely second to her boyfriend there... :/ Had I seen a video about little things, like how the toilet has all the features and how to use them, would have been handy. Or the soaking tub - I'd never seen anything so deep before. Or when we went to an onsen and she got upset that I didn't take my shoes off and that everyone would be nude in the onsen and to NOT talk! I also did not know about things like not talking. I'm from the east coast of the U.S. and we are big chatterers. My daughter was raised in California - land of the silent. Also little things like grape ice cream. I never heard of that before. Most of her time was spent with the boyfriend (who was from Mongolia) and I spent most of my time alone in Fukuoka, except for the times that she allowed me to join them. The zoo was great. It was really weird to see animals NOT in cages. The capybara, donkey, many animals only had two ropes around the area. And gorillas sitting on hillsides with only a small moat of water that I'm sure they could have swam over in to get to the shore. It was just weird after seeing zoos in the U.S. Because I am allergic to all seafood and seaweed (I got mercury poisoning from eating too much fish in Seattle, WA) I couldn't eat Japanese food, except for fruit and ice cream. It would be interesting to show some of the great Indian restaurants they have there. That was my only backup there. I ate a lot of great Indian food in Japan. There are tons of things you could focus on for five or ten minutes and not have to edit and polish. I found it fascinating just to see all the vending machines..and people handing out kleenex and masks. I will be going to Nagoya to visit her (she recently married a Japanese man there & will spend time this next time with me!) and I don't recall seeing anything about Nagoya on your videos - but I may well have missed any, as you have done a ton of work! And weirdly, I am very much looking forward to Shabani, the "sexy gorilla." Just a short video of him and all the girls screaming that they love him would be quite amusing. "A Slice of Life," videos are very entertaining, they're quick, spontaneous and don't require as much preparation. Oh, and suicide nets - that was quite a shock to me to see these pieces of metal strung outside my daughter's dorm room and I just asked: "What are these metal things?" And she nonchalantly answered: "Oh, they're suicide nets." You may have already covered these, but I am still going through all your videos. And checking out at the supermarket - she sent me photos of a "Hello Kitty" type character at the individual checkout and goofy things there. Personally, I enjoy all of your videos, but I also very much enjoy the short, to the point, videos! Sometimes, I just want to sit down for five or ten minutes and see one or two shorter ones. You do a great job!


Hi Chris What camera/mic set up did you use to record this?