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Hey guys,

I hope you’ve all been having a great week so far - first off, as you may have heard there was a nasty earthquake yesterday just off the coast of Yamagata, where I used to live and essentially on Natsuki’s door step.

It was fairly large as earthquakes go - about a 6.5 magnitude earthquake - which led to a tsunami warning. Luckily, it was only recorded at 10cm so there was no damage and fortunately Natsuki is safe - albeit a little spooked by it all (as seen above) - and there was no damage to his shop. It's quite rare for earthquakes to hit the west coast of Japan so I think a lot of people (including myself) where surprised by it all. But I'm just glad everyone is safe and the only damage appears to have been a few roof tiles so far.

Secondly, Pete Donaldson (of the Abroad in Japan Podcast fame) arrived in Japan today for his holiday, and I’m keen to put him in a Patreon vlog this week answering questions sent in by you guys! Even if you don’t know Pete (if you’re not into the Podcasts), feel free to send in your questions about anything - he’s fairly well versed in all things Japan given that he visits here at least once a year (and way before even I moved here myself), so be sure to exploit his travel knowledge!

Leave your questions in the comments below and I’ll put them to the man himself in the next couple of days!

Thirdly though guys, I’d like to apologise for the recent week of radio silence. It’s been brutal, absolutely bloody brutal. In the last two weeks I’ve filmed about 4 videos, each one being a fairly heavy hitting documentary-esque video.

First Ryotaro and I produced a new love hotel - you may recall we made one about three years ago that did really well and viewers were bemused and disturbed by (particularly the teddy bear cave in one of the rooms).

This time though, we were actually able to go behind the scenes and see how a love hotel is run, which was pretty fascinating stuff. As far as I know there’s currently no other video on YouTube that’s done this so I’m excited to release it later next month. As for Ryotaro he was too scared to be in front of the camera (due to what it could do for his image), so he was the secret cameraman for the shoot. Also, the enigmatic owner put on quite a show as you can see in the above screengrab!

Then a few days later we did a video on Tokyo - or more specifically 10 things to do around the Tokyo station area - this time Ryotaro was in front of the camera being as wacky as you’d expect (below).

THEN a few days later I filmed a video called "A Day in the Life of a Japanese Language School", where I stumbled my way through a language school in Tokyo for the day. It’s probably the second most requested topic I’ve ever had given the number of viewers interested in studying Japanese over here, so it was great to finally cover it once and for all. Best of all, as I sat in the beginners class, I felt like a special boy, and made sure to show off my intermediate skills.

AND THEN, I’m currently amidst filming another video - this time the biggest of all - likely going to be called “A WEEK in the Life of a Japanese Rock star” where I’m spending the week following around one of Japan’s biggest musicians. Best of all though, Natsuki’s finally returning, as he’s putting in an extended cameo appearance (unfortunately, he’s not the rockstar in question though).

I reckon if I survive the next week though, we’ve got some fantastic vides on the way - each more random than the last. Hopefully at least one of the above videos has picqued your interest!

Finally, if you haven’t already seen it, today we released the next Journey Across Japan episode! Set in Kumamoto, we saw Japan’s biggest active volcano, a billion dollar teddy bear, horse meat sashimi, a destroyed castle, a real life Smurf Land and the greatest Ryotaro cameo you'll ever see.

It was a fairly action packed episode and you can check it out below!
►  Watch:https://youtu.be/UJXN_EIXx2g

That’s all for now guys - I’ll be back in a few days with the Q&A Vlog featuring Pete, which we’ll likely film in a park somewhere in Tokyo whilst downing cheap sake. Once again, send us in your questions (about anything to either of us) below and they could well appear in the vlog!

Looking forward to it,




I'm glad that the Earthquake/tsunami wasn't as serious as it could've been and I wish a speedy recovery for those injured. Great to see Pete back in Japan and look forward to see what you two get up to this time! Your last video was quality, I now really want to try basashi... Also I didn't expect that voice to ever emanate from Risottoro.


Question for Pete. You talk about this foodstuff "coolish" all the time on the podcast, and I'm too lazy to look it up. Please explain in detail. What is it? What're the flavors? How'd you find it? How many have you had since arriving already? Etc.


Yay! excited for all the new video content coming up! A question for Pete in the new video... I know that with the influx of a lot of new tourists, local shops and people have been having a hard time with just rude and culturally insensitive tourists. Pete has traveled a lot, but how does he see that change in the way he travels to new places as a white man (ie, the privilege, the assumptions made about his financial and social status...) What does he see for the future of the increased tourism in Japan with the Olympics next year? Thanks again for all the great content and your dry humor! (This is the girl on the plane who met a new friend via the podcast!) :)


This may have been addressed already on the Podcast (as my memory is crap) but my question for Pete is what is the main quality of Japan that has kept you coming back all these years?


Hello Chris and Pete,Pete and Chris! One of the reasons I am grateful that I run into your YouTube channel about 2 years ago ,besides the fact that you helped my already growing interest in Japan and Japanese culture grow EVEN FURTHER BEYOND *screams in weeb*,is that you introduced me to Japanese City Pop through your recommendation of Plastic Love by Mariya Takeuchi . I absolutely fell in love with City Pop, every time I am listening to it and close my eyes I timetravel to an 80’s Japan and a feeling of nostalgia overwhelms me, even if I wasn’t even alive back then (born in 1994) . So, on to the 0 euro question, do you or Pete have any recommendations that can give that romantic 80’s disco neon Japan image in my head shape and form? Like a film, series, documentary, anything would be great! Hope you both the best, keep giving our sometimes black&white lives some colour and broadening our horizons! Best whishes, Antonis P.S. Hope you got the DragonBall reference there :P


Has Pete watched any Satoshi Kon movies and if so, what did he think of them?


That is surprising to hear about the earthquake in Yamagata, I didn't think it happened on the Western side of Japan. Glad to know Natsuki is ok and doing well. Ok my questions are 1. When will we see you Chris, learning how to cook whether it is from a professional or a friend? and 2. Have either you or Pete bumped into the Dojin-kai Yakuza when you have been to Kyushu?


I'm curious as to how Pete can financially sustain going to Japan once a year, does he have any tips for saving a bit of money on travel/accommodation? Thank you as always for making great content for us, Chris! Looking forward to all of it :)


You've been releasing these contents in the middle of the night, are you even in Japan? Looking forward on June Q&A with Pete and those YT videos. I'm guessing the mentioned rockstar is the friend from Sendai featured from one of your video.


I've got a question that troubles me a bit although I guess it's silly. I'm hoping to go to Japan very soon and I like to wear shorts and flip flops. I understand the Japanese feel that shorts are only for wearing at beaches or pools (is that true?), but what about flip flops? Are they frowned upon in day to day wear or similar attitudes to the UK? Obviously I am not intending to go to business meetings in them etc. Regards, Al


My question to Pete: I looked you up on Twitter and had a read of your bio. I was surprised to see that you haven't added 'Certified Japanophile' - can you really be classed as a certified Japanophile if it's not on your bio?


Chris wow the content list coming through looks epic. It was great meeting you at the Tokyo Creative a few months ago and you certainly doing more complex episodes by getting closer to who you are meeting, really looking forward to the Love Hotel owner! This will be gold :) - Just signed up to your Patreon and binged on the pod cast - after returning from my 2nd visit to Japan I am missing it massively - you and all the people you work with make my video making and editing days go by! Question for you and Pete - would you ever visit Okinawa? I wonder what Japanese Islanders are like...


Oooooh, so many things to look forward to! ✨🎉 (And this picture of Natsuki is marvellous. Yes, marvellous.)


Love these projects! Can't wait for the video releases! Keep up the great videos.


Hey Chris, not sure if you cover this in your Japan vid but I've heard cool things about "Teamlab Borderless" the indoor visual light display. Have you checked that out? Apparently right next to it is a giant Unicorn Gundam robot statue...and a random replica of the Statue of Liberty. Cant wait for the next video instalments. Cheers Jason


Pete san, what is your favourite type of cheese?


All of these upcoming vids sound great! And I can see why you were waiting for that footage from risottoro for the last video, he must have really tried hard to dumb the Japanese down like that 😆 Real Oscar winning stuff!


Question for Pete- Aside from Coolish, are there any other snackfoods that you can recommend we try when we visit Japan? Maybe stop by a combini before recording the vlog and get some favorites to show us? FYI - Because of Pete, I ended up trying Coolish for the first time after finding it in a vending machine at Narita Airport.


An earthquake at the same time as Pete Donaldson arrives. Coincidence?


If we manage to bump into you guys that will seriously make this trip to Tokyo the best EVER! Anyway, my question for Pete is, would you ever consider upping sticks and moving to Japan?


Question for Pete: (drum roll) Would you like to be friends with one duck-sized Natsuki to bring around with you where ever you went to entertain guests etc, or one hundred gooses who each had times 3 the personality of Natsuki, and when ever you whistled they could fly in and protect you in situations of danger. Or if that question is too weird then what is your favourite Japanese food?

rafa UGM

Question for both of you (although Pete may have been lucky): how did you react the first time you experienced an earthquake in Japan?


Glad everything is okay in Yamagata, and I'm really looking forward to all those videos! Questions for Pete, and of course they're coolish related: 1. What's your favorite coolish flavor? 2. Are there any flavors of coolish you haven't tried yet that you'd like to? (I was cheated out of getting to try the soda flavor so that's on my bucket list)


Dunno if either of you guys will be able to answer this one, but what are gigs like in Japan? (Specifically on the rock/metal/punk side of things). Obviously here in the West they're well known for being pretty rowdy with moshpits, crowdsurfing and the like (either a good thing or bad thing depending on your preference). I see a lot of bands have live albums filmed in Japan, so they must be pretty enthusiastic crowds (they usually sound it!), but at the same time I've heard that gigs are often all seated and people are quite reserved. Have either of you have been to any gigs over there? Looking forward to the new videos!


This one is for Pete. If you were given a choice between: A: a lifetimes supply of Coolish, or B: a lifetimes supply of Chris, what would you choose?


Question for both of you, hopefully deemed interesting enough. How much knowledge and interest do you think that Japanese people have in the different regions of the UK? I'm very close to your home town Pete, do you always describe it as being '200 miles North of London?' (as I do, when I communicate with all my Japanese customers/clients?) How about you. Chris? Do you just use 'near London?' to describe your home town? Or do you find that people aren't interested in the slightest, as they think that everyone lives in London anyway, (as Pete does, to be fair.)


Hey Pete do you have any dreams or life goals that's related to Japan? Do you ever plan to be in a Japanese radio show?


Glad Natsuki's safe and sound. And it's awesome to hear about the upcoming videos you're working on. Have always loved the "documentary-esque" content you put out. Particularly excited about "week in the life of a rockstar" video. I do music photography on the side myself here in Singapore, so I'm quite curious to see what the scene is like there in Japan.


can't wait for the sweet vides


All these videos sound great, really interested in the language school


All those videos sound great! Can’t wait for the rockstar video since you mentioned it on the livestream. 😍🤩