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Hey guys,
I hope you're all having a great weekend - with any luck it's about to get a lot better.

The long journey to making Natsuki truly famous once more officially begins from today and you've got front row tickets to experiencing it all unfold.

I come before you today on the anniversary of the release of Natsuki: The Movie with a new Patreon vlog, announcing a huge project with Natsuki at its core, that'll dwarf last year's release.

Honestly, I'm not going to type it all out here, given that this week's Patreon vlog goes into detail on the grand plan, from the concept to a rough timeline of the project and above all my motivations for why it needs to happen. But this is it, it's now officially happening. Natsuki will once again be catapulted to international glory in another documentary.

Watch Patreon Vlog: https://youtu.be/BmnZBVG2Hwc

Many of you have been asking for a sequel - or at the very least, a new documentary with Natsuki as the star, and I think I've finally worked out how we can make it work in a way that's entertaining and hilarious, but also meaningful with a serious aim at its core. In this case, to get Natsuki to give up smoking once and for all (somehow).

As I mentioned in the video, I've produced a survey/questionnaire for you guys to give me your thoughts and feedback on the documentary and what you'd like to see - the results of which I'll share in a follow up vlog in the coming week.

Natsuki: The Movie 2 Questionnaire:

And for those of you that missed the Patreon exclusive behind the scenes documentary on the making of Natsuki: The Movie, be sure to check it out below!
Watch "8 Things I Learned Making Natsuki: The Movie": https://youtu.be/5xxCsQyjxnM

THIS WEEK on Abroad in Japan

It's been a busy week! We kicked off with the 24 Hours in Fukuoka video, featuring Ichiran ramen, Japan's biggest bronze Buddha statue and the country's most famous night market. We also had an emotional goodbye to Ellen. Legend has it she's still lost somewhere in Fukuoka train station.
Watch 24 Hours in Fukuoka:https://youtu.be/RF1fqlIzay0

We had an entertaining Podcast where we revealed the bizarre 26 Traits Japanese women want in a man. Pete and I competed to see who ticked the most boxes, with neither of us doing particularly great to be honest.
Listen to Podcast: http://hyperurl.co/nhgr30

And finally, just yesterday Tokyo Creative surprised me with a Blooper Reel video taken from behind the scenes on Journey Across Japan. It's surprisingly funny, thanks to an undeniably cheeky Ryotaro.
Watch Blooper Reel: https://youtu.be/jQ-e8O2xm74


That's all for now guys! I'm really looking forward to hearing from you all in the comments below and on the questionnaire.

The journey has officially begun - away we go!


Natsuki: The Movie 2 | 101 Ways to Stop Smoking | Announcement

On the anniversary of the release of Natsuki: The Movie, we have a surprise in store. (That has been completely given away by the title of this video).



awesome news!


Soooo Natsuki: In Space is not on the table...lol What will it take to get you guys to Texas to film part of this? We have the 72oz steak challenge at The Big Texan.


Maybe as an idea to get Natsuki to stop smoking you could have like a tier list of forfeits, for example the "numbers of cigarettes smoked" equates to a forfeit each forfeit getting more extreme as the list goes on. And perhaps, as a counter bonus, you could have a second tier for "days gone without smoking" and with each level the rewards get better and better so it's upto Natsuki to decide his fate, will he end up having to do lots of nasty crazy things because of smoking cigarettes? Or will he fruitfully reap rewards for his efforts to resist smoking? His fate, is in his own hands. Good luck.


I am still praying that Ryotaro will get his movie (not the parody movie) after we go on a good long adventure with Natsuki san :)


This is very welcome news!


I'm new here and I'm quite impressed by the quality of the videos uploaded. Did not expect this kind of attention to exclusive content. Keep up the good work!


If you want to feed into the "celebrity" aspect of what Natsuki wants, and to make something grand of it all. why not have some sort of screening or event where you put it out on twitter and plan it. Hire a limosine, get him arriving in style with a red carpet and lots of us fans?


Life is even more balloons


Of course you would jump off the dam as well wouldnt you. ;-)


I would personally prefer something that wouldn’t drive Chris to the verge of a mental breakdown as it almost did with the Journey Across Japan series earlier. However, GREAT NEWS EVERYONE!


Anyone else having issues with accessing questionnaire? The link doesn't appear to be working?


I sorta like the working title, actually... Though I'd put "101 ways..." in Japanese so it's an in-joke only fans will get- that way the Japanese will look a bit more exotic/interesting to non-speakers but it will still capture the essence of the film for those in the know.


Just completed the questionnaire! ^_^


Ooo I love this idea! I'm in full support of Natsuki quitting smoking. Smoking is so so bad for one's health!!


Soo... Mega Blastoise when? btw I love the final dancing scene so much


I feel as if doing it as a series will allow you to be more creatively free. Movies tend to be more restrictive due to having to cut content out.


I've recently quit smoking (hopefully for the final time) and did so by reading and listening to Allen Carr's Easy way to Quit Smoking (several times). I've stopped with it before but started up again when the school stress and social stress got the better of me. What made quitting finally stick was combining quitting smoking with being focused on nutrition, and health and fitness. Like if I'm already being healthy with meal prepping and hitting the gym, I'd feel stupid if I started smoking. But if I wasn't being healthy, I'd think "Well it's fine if I smoke, I'm already being unhealthy" but that's pretty specific to my mindset hahaaaaaa.....


sorry to be blant but we dont give a fuck about natsuki pls focus on something else