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Hey folks!

I hope you all had a terrific weekend.

So today is an exciting day; today is the day I announce the top secret research and development program to develop new Abroad in Japan merchandise. 

Merchandise has long been one of our weakness; yes we have a few t-shirt designs that date back two years ago, and whilst they’re aesthetically pleasing enough, they’re not particularly bold or creative.

Unfortunately, I’m no graphic designer and my past attempts to work with graphic designers hasn’t gone overly well, as I’ve failed to clearly get across my ideas.

Then one day, an awesome viewer who’s also a graphic designer - known only as David - got in touch and sent over some designs that blew me away and over the course of the past month we’ve been working on preparing something new and original.

The five launch designs include;

  • For F*ck’s Sake
  • Love Hotel
  • Capsule Hotel
  • Retro "The F*cking Cleaner"
  • Retro "The Electric Box"

There isn’t a design there I wouldn’t wear with pride.

Better still, through the online store, the designs will even be available on everything from phone cases to pillows (for certain designs). So if you’re not a t-shirt person you’re still covered.

They’re still about a month away from launch and over the coming weeks we’ll be setting up the shop properly, purchasing samples for quality control and producing some sort of groundbreaking promotional video.

I’ll keep you posted but let us know what you think of the three designs above, and which is your favourite in the comments below!

Today, you can find the DAY TWO of our 48 HOURS IN SAPPORO diary! It’s attached to this post in PDF, with all the preposterous photos enclosed within. As you’ll soon discover, we actually toyed with some merchandise on Day Two of our trip at a cookie factory - with questionable results.

FINALLY I’m working on three videos for this week; 6 Must Try Dishes in Aomori, the Patron exclusive “How I Produce Videos: From Start to Finish” and a yet to be titled Japanglish/Engrish video. Plenty to look forward to everyone!

Have a great start to the week,





Just seen : <a href="https://imgur.com/gallery/1ha63Xq" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/gallery/1ha63Xq</a>


Can't wait to get some of that juicy merch


the fucking cleaner would definitely be a statement but i need to do some explaining to my parents hahahahaha


Shut up and take my money!!!


yessssss not just t-shirts!


That for F@#k's Sake has my name on it... XD


This article somehow sounds like you spent the whole day eating and drinking... Looking forward to the video production video.

Mark Rogers

I hope the must try dishes include senbei jiru

Laura Beaumont

Yes!! This sums up how I feel. I would wear the hell out of an AIJ shirt.


No "Like a magic" merchandise? That one was gold! Maybe something I can wear at work without spending the afternoon chatting with HR would be nice...


Those designs look awesome!


This is awesome. But I miss the "like a magic" stuff. Maybe I have to stick with the old merch too. 😊


I need the Fucking Cleaner, For Fuck's Sake, and LIKE A MAGIC shirts. Need. And you will give us a Like a Magic design. Because we NEED it!! And Like a Magic would be an excellent pillowcase to set the mood, eh?


I need these! I think "But I'm Horses" and "Zebra; Many Poison" are definitely ideas for more :)


I WANT THEM ALL! I'd have a work-week worth of Abroad in Japan shirts :'))


What's the reasoning behind censoring sex and fucking, if I may ask? I especially think "s*x" is off putting and less funny. Otherwise they're good shirts that I might consider buying


The For F*ck’s Sake shirt looks amazing. Way better than the old one :) I want it!


I want them all! If I had to choose just one, it'd be tough between fuck sake and love hotel


No live is balloons? Love the for f*ck sake


This is not helping my ramen craving, except by reminding me I won't find anything quite as good here. Also, as a totally random comment not brought on by anything in particular, feel free to hit me up if you ever need a proofreader.


These are super creative and beautifully designed! definitely gonna buy the "for fuck sake" one! Perhaps something with the balloons could be nice as a merch, too. Don't know what I think about the love hotel, though. Seems like a Japanophile's great inside joke, yet a dangerous one - as I can't imagine someone strolling down the Texas countryside peacefully without being stared at :P [Hila].


I'd pay good money for Natsuki's face on a t-shirt that says "go fuck yourself" :)


The designs look awesome!!!


I am definately getting The fucking cleaner when I get back to Gernany.


I can't wait to buy one of these! I'd love to see a 'これはペンです' shirt too!


My favourite t-shirt is the for f*uck sake t-shirt. It's funny and it showcases your sense of humour. The other ones I like very much as they remind me of my favourite abroad in Japan episodes however they are very specific to the contents of your channel and the jokes would most likely fly over people's heads. I hope you'll create a Life is balloons t-shit because that is a beautiful sentence with a great sentiment behind it.


So what you're saying is that I can get a Pillowcase with Natsuki's face on it? On a less creepy note, there are so many instagram followers who are literally begging for merch of any kind, so please be prepared to sell out quickly. I will also be buying one of each. :P


The world needs "The Fucking Cleaner"


I can't wait to buy a 'For Fuck Sake' t-shirt. :)


Oh yes, I haven't seen this post. Finally, for fuck さけ.


Definitely need another Tshirt with "Like a Zoo" in Hersheys font and Natsuki riding a zebra on it. I think even my mother would wear it cause she loved that video!