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Hey guys,
Hope you're all having a great weekend!

CYCLETHON 3: The BIG One is out now!

In 12 years of producing Youtube videos, this has to be a career highlight and I'm delighted to present nothing short of an epic FEATURE LENGTH MOVIE of our epic 1,200km adventure across Japan with the most amazing team of friends; Connor, Pete, Natsuki, Garnt and Felix, raising $1million for the Immune Deficiency Foundation.

Shot and edited beautifully by the great cameraman Paul, join us from the shores of Hiroshima, to the cherry blossom of Himeji castle, to the madness of Legoland and the crazy finale at Tokyo Tower.

I Cycled 1,200km Across Japan in 14 Days | Feat. Cdawgva
Watch: https://youtu.be/zTHXWPeJnNA?si=tTpbx0pGBt-6PoVf

On another note, our bar 'Lost' is now finally open to the public.
Thanks to those of you who attended our event last week and I look forwarding to seeing you guys in the bar in the coming weeks and months.

The video tour of the bar will drop on Abroad in Japan towards the end of next week. We're concerned about overburdening the team with too many customers, so we've been promoting Lost bar gradually across social media this last week.

But before I drop the video I'll be sharing an advance sneak peak at the bar with you here on Patreon in the coming days - so stay tuned!

It's been a very promising start so far; folks have been enjoying the atmosphere and the cocktails. We've noticed it's an excellent place to travellers to meet and chat - hell, there was even one blossoming romance at the counter the other day.

We've still got some really stunning projection mapping to implement next week and artwork to place around the bar, but an encouraging start. I've been stressed all month and I feel like a weight has finally been lifted.

In the meantime, here are some photos of the bar below, that've I snapped throughout last week. And of course, if you happen to be in Tokyo, be sure to swing by! Sharla and I have been there most evening these week, to the detriment of my liver.

Will definitely be sticking to mocktails going forward 😅

🍹 https://maps.app.goo.gl/e4zyRK8fZ1wABXpx9






CYBERSECURITY ISSUE... The WiFi SSID and password is on the menu, and in the photos are Google Maps. This could open you up to a plethora of security issues, including data theft and hacking. I highly recommend LOST had a screen that displays a QR code to connect to with WiFi with a new password every day, or at least every week. If LOST prints menus with daily specials, maybe put it on that. People say "oh, it'll never happen to me", but you're a YouTuber, obviously, and a public figure that is far more likely to be targeted. At the very least, please put the POS (till) and any business devices on a separate network with a difficult password. I know this seems like a 'know it all' comment, but that's not my goal. I have ADHD, I'm not trying to prove anything, tbh I don't care if I seem like an arsehole, I am only hoping to try and keep your business/ customers safe x Please consider looking into this. For reference; NetworkChuck on WiFi hacking (4.1M subs) https://youtu.be/dZwbb42pdtg?si=RdTPIrja4-dg8XAS (yes, it's contains an Ad for a VPN, but that's not the point, it's about minimum security)


If you keep doing these charity rides in the future, maybe you want to reconsider how you spread awareness about them. I can't be the only one who has now multiple times missed all of the streams and only found out through the video afterwards.