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ahh... well, as you know from my reports there are always some people who pledge supposedly, get to see all rewards, and never pay, that has been a problem since some months now.

in return i blocked the specific people- because thanks to the patron manager it´s no secret to the creators who are the specific cheaters.

however, some of them have the nerve to ignore their ban and just repeat their pledge.

it´s unbelievable. i don´t know what to say. i mean, i really would have better things to do than always block the same a-holes again and again or write this journal. it´s wasted time for me. wasted time!

time i could spend to draw something. it annoyes me the more i think about it, but as it seems there is no way to address those people who´ll never learn else.

so listen, all you fake-patrons: you don´t get the point about this site. you think you get a free ride with all true supporters and enjoy all advantages like them without paying anything. first of all i humbly ask you to really stop for a moment and think about what you are doing- WHAT - are you - DOING? and what would happen if everyone would act like you?

What would happen with patreon if everyone would behave the way you do? What would be the decision artists would come to if people supposedly pledge so and so-many hundred dollars and only half of it or less comes around at the end of the month? how many artists will keep this site alive with that in mind? don´t you get the idea of patreon? do you even know the meaning of the word "pledge"? of "patron"? "trust"? "honour"?

do you know what artists live from? from air? from unfulfilled promises?

That´s for the appeal to the morality. If that doesn´t work, there´s no other way than plump threat.

what i suggested in the question before becomes reality soon. there are consequences of your behaviour for the whole site.

i reported my complain to patreon and their response is that they are working to re-structure this whole site in a way that patrons pledge money in the instant they write in for a pledge.

so there will be no "decline"-option anymore for you in the future, you little smart-asses.

Apart form the structural change that is about to come i reported the v.i.p.´s of fake-patrons to the admin´s and they will be banned for good from this site. just don´t think i don´t keep my books and have an eye for you since months. you crossed the lines, man,enough is enough. don´t you feel any shame? really. just fuck off.


ahh. sigh.

i wished that wasn´t necessary. it´s so stupid. but if it has to be like this, let it be.


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