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This time with a story accompanying the picture, written by Shirouzumaki http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shirouzumaki/ Miss May: Alopex: https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2421749 ok, here it goes: Fox and Krystal were already close to the torture room. Fox was still shocked from the moment he was defeated by General Scales, still dizzy from the horrible wallop he got by Scales and that almost finished him when the General itself clutched his metal claw around his orange furry neck. He could feel how most of his body felt numb to the two Sharpclaw guards dragging him around like a rag doll over the cold stone corridors of Scales' fortress. Krystal was also guarded by two guards, but unlike his partner, she struggled while she tried to free her restrained wrists by pulling hard. "Get off me, you lizards!" groaned Krystal while she tried to use her strength in vain. The guard on the left was broad and tough looking, sporting a huge belly and a strong jaw, while on the right, his partner seemed smaller and less brawny in looks, yet he could handle the slender and fit physique of the vixen priestess. Instead, the guards pushed her inside the room with no hardship. Krystal tripped and fell over the torture room floor, completely laid down and watched how the guards closed the sturdy door. Krystal heard the crackling noise of a lock coming from the other side, with an added chuckle from the guard showing the key from the small barred window on it. Krystal looked in despair, turned her head and watched the two guards grabbing Fox and shackling him to the wall with a sturdy chain hung from a hook. Fox began to open his eyes "Where am I?" His head was still dizzy. He could recall the smashing hits of General Scales shocking through his body. He coughed and grunted in pain for a second, before lifting his head sick and fainted. "Look, Raze, this one is still alive!" said the skinny lizard guard. "Of course he is, you idiot!" as he gave a smack to his companion. "General Scales told us to torture these foxes and make sure they don't flee away!" Krystal stood up on her legs while whining "Leave him alone!" she shouted. Raze turned his head around "Look at this, Scythe! I didn't think the Krazoa priestess would be so pretty…" and left a wide, unnerving grin on his lips. The guard stepped towards Krystal. She could feel how her breath turned deeper as she had no way to flee or defend for herself. Scythe quickly moved Fox's legs so they stand on the floor and began to remove the clothes from their prisoner while tugging and pulling. "W…What are you doing?" said Fox. He was still too numb and he couldn't do but fight the bruising pain covering most of his body. Krystal's lips rumbled in anger as she saw Fox being stripped to the bare naked fur: his jacket, trousers, boots… even the undergarments. They just left his red scarf on. It didn't seem that necessary. She blushed at the scene she was watching: Her soul mate reduced to a beat-up trembling animal, completely exposed. She never had to chance to see him without any clothes to that day, nor that humiliated. Raze chuckled at Fox naked "Pathetic." and then looked at Krystal on his back "You call this a male? He is thin and weak." Krystal looked down, holding the grueling anger. She saw the big razor claws on the guards and she knew if she was not quick or did something, there was something worse to happen. She tried not to listen to the searing words the thick guard was giving to lower the self-esteem of both. It was a torture technique after all. "He is not even that big here…" said Raze, as he groped Fox's crotch. Fox gasped at that dirty hold on his parts. Krystal's eyes opened up like never before. That was her limit and bitter end. She couldn't hold all that rage anymore. "STOP THAT ALREADY!" she shouted. Krystal charged against the Sharpclaw guards. Scythe wrapped his bony green hands around the neck of Fox's scarf and raised his fist up. Krystal, however, grappled to that arm and pulled it away. She struggled against the Sharpclaw who was as tall as her. She grunted with all her might as deep in her heart there was nothing but the will to protect that male fox, one that crossed many unmeasurable distances, to find her and save her. Yet if all that failed and worked in vain, she could clasp her arms and wrestle against Scythe the guard. Krystal took a mere second to release the grip of one of her hands and punch several times on the guard's face. Scythe fell upon the stone floor completely knocked out. Krystal slapped both of her hands together with a happy grin "And don't you dare to stand up!" Krystal added. Raze, however, was much smarter than his two-bit looking companion. He grabbed Krystal's bule short hair and tugged her tail with another hand. He then whispered "Not so fast…" Krystal groaned louder this time, but it was useless. Her strength compared to the thick and tough physique of Raze the Sharpclaw seemed close to nothing. Krystal looked upon Fox in an ungrateful mix of awe and sorrow. He was exposed, naked and hanging from those shackles. She could hear those faint panting noises coming from him. Raze then groped on her nuzzle "You mammals are so pathetic. Always thinking you hold anything. That thing you call fur? It's useless. Nothing but fresh meat, blood and bone" said Raze, continuing with "You are not hard, you always worry. WE DO NOT! And we, the sharpclaws, shall prove it to you miserable vermin!" Raze laughed as he ripped apart Krystal's golden and brown cloth, showing her breasts and groping them with that same criminal hand that unveiled them. Fox's eyes opened like they never did ever before, so his blood boiled like a kettle. Raze noticed such arousal on his male prisoner, looking at that mammal penis throbbing and growing. He whispered at Krystal's blue and white ears "Looks like he wants to mate with you… bitch." Krystal gasped and pointed her green eyes with a cold but shocking stare at her soul-mate "No…" quailed Krystal. She stopped shaking around, feeling the pressure from Raze's arms holding her wrists as if they were frozen. She was so dazed by the view of Fox and the shyness of him looking at her naked beauty, Raze kept groping her right breast with that same free hand, stroking and fiddling her. Krystal's clothing soon became darker with the kept up moisture and urges she tried to refrain. Raze let a long chuckle coming from his sharp fangs as his cheeks raised up in the most evils of grins. Fox seemed paralyzed and useless with the fear and shame running at the same time, against his instincts craving for pleasure and lust. The sharpclaw goon quickly tossed Krystal's body over McCloud's. Although she felt stunned, it was not from the sudden fall forced by Raze, but all that unwanted and rough touch that had almost wiped the sense out of her. Krystal looked at Fox's trembling eyes while feeling easch vein of those masculine muscles being driven to work out of the usual. She felt something warm and fleshy over her belly, as if she was almost collapsing it with her own weight. Fox could notice her emerald eyes losing that beautiful luster as she looked down and stared were all that warmth was coming from: It was Fox's penis, ready for its main purpose. Raze cackled with arrogance as he crouched and grabbed Krystal's hair. Krystal groaned with her eyes closed again, before Raze could say "Don't try to deny it, you bitch. You are wishing for him, right? You want to please him. So you can breed and survive…" Raze approached his claws behind Krystal's tail and began to finger the vixen's front hole. He chuckled and said "After all… you are this wet." Krystal opened her eyes in an instant, letting a huge moan slip from her dropped jaw. She did everything to contain her most primal feelings, but her blushing face was too close from the truth. She was denying the deepest order from her genes in order to look more civilized. That's when her mind began to change. Raze held that blue hair and placed Krystal's maw on Fox's crotch. Krystal gave to licks and wrapped her moist and warm mouth along that healthy looking member. Her pleasure was muffled by the taste and texture of that male fox flesh. She didn't hesitate to move her head, while looking at the eyes of her most cherished lover, the only one he could chase as a prey. Though it was the first time she tasted the most secret place of a male of her species, she instantly loved that scent. That sweaty and musky aroma was like if she had knew it from a long time ago, but it was her brain, following her most primitive wishes to become true. While she suckled and enjoyed each bit of that flesh, Krystal didn't notice how Raze approached closer and closer, as his crotch throbbed within the messy leathery strap he was only wearing. The Sharpclaw trapped Krystal's decorated tail with his brawny fingers and used his other hand to pull away the loincloth that hid Krystal's most hidden parts. He could feel the dripping moisture coming from the front part of them, with that subtle aroma lingering to the nostrils of both males. "Time to meet your real match, bitch…" said Raze while removing his leather clothing and throwing it again. Fox gasped as he looked how small and emasculated he was compared to that reptilian giant. Krystal couldn't avoid that either, she even thought that, even with that huge, protruding male fat belly, a sharpclaw would be so endowed. Both foxes could do nothing but stare. "I knew that would be your answer. That is so pitiful from you, mammals." Raze boasted a victorious grin as he was overthrown with pride and, without any doubt, lust. The same moment Raze's hands wrapped around Krystal's white chest, Krystal didn't scream like last time. She just let her body guide her mind and moaned like she never did before. Fox kept that same shocking stare on the vixen and the reptile. He didn't even manage to shake or try to break the cuffs and, most of all, his arousal was not falling down, but the opposite way. He could feel a strange feeling crossing his spine, as if the most bashful of shyness rendered him useless whenever Krystal moaned or Raze threw his thick and steamy breath across the blue and white fur of Krystal. The sharpclaw guard then rubbed his huge rod against Krystal's tail and rump. He slithered his member between her thighs and aimed it under the small but tight butt of the vixen priestess. The sharpclaw guard forced his hips forward and began to press the fleshy, juicy and pink nether lips of Krystal apart, as if it was tearing them apart like the rags of clothes he shredded before. And then, Krystal's mind crumbled apart. Fox could not believe what he was looking it. He could hear those primordial screams and moans coming from the wide-open jaws of his soul mate. Sounds he couldn't expect coming from her, and even less on that kind of lewd situation. Instead of anger and deception, he was covered in despair and shock, as he looked the strong arms of the Sharpclaw guard etching upon the brass handguards of Krystal while holding her whole body still and smashed his hips deep inside Krystal's body. Krystal's senses were almost in a transcending level, with all that raw and rough pleasure demolishing every foundation remaining in her mind. The walls inside Krystal squished and dripped like a well-oiled gear, letting that thick reptilian member to get inside and claim what it was made for. Krystal's breath became thicker like steam as the air in the room went colder and looked like thick steam coming from her beautiful ivory colored maw. She could feel those arms stretching her back, her tail bouncing and clashing against the chubby but hard sharpclaw stomach and her breasts forming her nipples at the perkiest they could be. Her eyes had long lost that beautiful emerald shine, and instead looked more like a mint greyish tone of green. Fox knew it and he couldn't understand what was going on either. He surely wanted to mate with Krystal one day or another, just for the sheer fun and need to chill down his most primal urges. And yet, while he seemed to lost the race against a bigger and stronger enemy, the fox couldn't be as more aroused than ever. Maybe it was the fact of watching Krystal being mated from outside, the morbid experience from it, as well as watching how her body performed against a much bigger predator, and the fact of not being able to destroy those chains and help her, kept him useless and harmless. Raze kept thrusting and pushing his hips, sometimes shifting the pace and strength, but Krystal could feel every inch of her body, both flesh and mind, being wiped out to the bottom end. As those thursts inside her cramped and squished every bit of flesh of her body, Raze felt that goose-bump sensation coming across his spine and deep into his crotch. He was so damn close to release his load. It was clear he wanted to finish inside her, as Krystal moaned harder each time and released her juices the last four times between all those hundreds of thrusts. Each time she came, her sight was more lost and blurrier. Krystal's mind was already vanished from reality, as she could only utter "more" with her maw completely fallen off, only held by her beautiful chiseled by nature cheeks. She could feel the sturdy tip of that penis kissing the contraption her cervix was turning into, storming into spams like nothing else. In just a second, a streak of milky and fertile fluids began to taint the poor vixen's belly, as it stained and stuck through the deepest crevices of her uterine and vaginal walls. She could feel the warmth, stench and gooeyness of such substance reeking out of her body, as the thick rod supplying it hosed like if it was a flood of stench and rot for her. But instead, her own mind was too broken by the whole impression and shock she could ever endure. When Raze pulled his hips and got his member out of her body, her jaws were still dropped and her eyes had long lost that beauty every mammal male could ever love. "Nice… you are a good catch… I think we have something ready for you…" said Raze. This was just the beginning for Krystal. Each and every day, she would be thrown inside a small cage in the storage room of the fortress, then woken up and taken on a leash to the pillory at the center of the gallows. She would have that same experience over and over, with some tweaks. Each sharpclaw male took his ways with her. She was filled, covered and bloated with that icky male milk, as her body wasn't able to bear any reptile being, while being deceived and humiliated each and every day, restrained and unaware. Fox suffered the greatest of pains with the torture, completely naked, while Krystal, in the other hand, surely was tortured, but with the oblivion of lust and pleasure chaining her mind and reality. She could never be the same forever.



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